Move 168
1 capture
0 captures
+ 6.5
Rules: Japanese
White wins by Resignation
Move 0
April 15, 2024
[16:20] Von Zilla ੴ[1k]: yoyo
[16:20] Von Zilla ੴ[1k]: glhf
Move 1
[16:20] Holon[8k]: hiho
Move 67
[16:27] Von Zilla ੴ[1k]: really
[16:27] Von Zilla ੴ[1k]: wow...
[16:27] Von Zilla ੴ[1k]: no way this can be good
Move 70
[16:28] Von Zilla ੴ[1k]: unless im not seeing some global vison
[16:28] Von Zilla ੴ[1k]: hahhaa
Move 136
[16:43] Von Zilla ੴ[1k]: odd choice
Move 162
[16:47] Holon[8k]: ah, that last one was dumb. I should have connected I guess
[16:48] Von Zilla ੴ[1k]: very tricky, but some odd chouces through out the game
[16:48] Von Zilla ੴ[1k]: I can point them out during review
Move 168
[16:49] Von Zilla ੴ[1k]: gave up on those a while ago
[16:49] Holon[8k]: I just wanted to make sure you did ^^
[16:50] Von Zilla ੴ[1k]: same habit on the bottom right
[16:50] Von Zilla ੴ[1k]: its not good
[16:51] Holon[8k]: I had some plans during the game, but I am unable to hide my intentions against you. You just see them
[16:52] Von Zilla ੴ[1k]: very interesting
[16:52] Von Zilla ੴ[1k]: this game was super exciting tho
[16:52] Von Zilla ੴ[1k]: wow
[16:52] Von Zilla ੴ[1k]: spikey
[16:52] Holon[8k]: wow, spikes lol
[16:52] Von Zilla ੴ[1k]: haahha
[16:53] Von Zilla ੴ[1k]: ohhhh
[16:53] Von Zilla ੴ[1k]: I know the move
[16:53] Von Zilla ੴ[1k]: lolol
[16:53] Von Zilla ੴ[1k]: Variation: double cut
[16:53] Von Zilla ੴ[1k]: Variation: double cut
[16:54] Von Zilla ੴ[1k]: I kinda left that behind for a while
[16:54] Holon[8k]: Dammit. I wanted to play there all the time, but I didn't see how it would work lol. That was one of my plans lol
[16:54] Von Zilla ੴ[1k]: wow
[16:54] Holon[8k]: The entire time I tried to make A work
[16:54] Von Zilla ੴ[1k]: ok gemme a min and I will come on vc
[16:56] Holon[8k]: Variation: Gosh, I can't believe how easy it was. I always wanted to play A or B directly. I didn't see that I need a preparation move there
[16:56] Holon[8k]: Or I didn't see which one

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