Move 204
0 captures
1 capture
+ 6.5
Rules: Japanese
White wins by Resignation
Move 0
June 13, 2024
[16:51] Von Zilla ੴ[2k]: yoyo!
Move 16
[16:54] Holon[8k]: Dang. The app for OGS changed. It used to show the player I played most on OGS. Which used to be an all time drunk guy who I played 9x9 fun games against for a long time
[16:54] Von Zilla ੴ[2k]: xD
[16:54] Holon[8k]: But I think we played more games by now
[16:54] Von Zilla ੴ[2k]: I remember you showing me that guys account
Move 36
[16:56] Holon[8k]: He was funny, but always drunk. Never got a game againt him dry
Move 37
[16:56] Von Zilla ੴ[2k]: hahaha....welll....thats for sure ONE way to play
Move 72
[17:00] Von Zilla ੴ[2k]: we started fighting off the rip
[17:00] Von Zilla ੴ[2k]: xD
[17:01] Holon[8k]: Well, it's the best strategy and the worst against you at the same time xD
[17:01] Von Zilla ੴ[2k]: hahahahaha
[17:01] Von Zilla ੴ[2k]: fair enough
[17:02] Holon[8k]: I didn't see that B7 didn't work for some reason.
[17:03] Von Zilla ੴ[2k]: yeah the hane was sneaky
[17:03] Von Zilla ੴ[2k]: by me
Move 174
[17:14] Holon[8k]: I hate the second line. Now I know why
Move 176
[17:14] Von Zilla ੴ[2k]: hehe
Move 204
[17:18] Von Zilla ੴ[2k]: almost missed the ko
[17:18] Von Zilla ੴ[2k]: xD
[17:18] Holon[8k]: I was looking for that one xD
[17:18] Von Zilla ੴ[2k]: yeah, had to figure out what your move was saying
[17:18] Holon[8k]: Well, you got this one big time
[17:19] Von Zilla ੴ[2k]: gg
[17:19] Von Zilla ੴ[2k]: I guess u a bit rusty
[17:19] Von Zilla ੴ[2k]: Variation: joseki
[17:19] Von Zilla ੴ[2k]: Variation: joseki2
[17:20] Von Zilla ੴ[2k]: Variation: big gote move
[17:20] Holon[8k]: I had the longest work day of this week as well, today.
[17:20] Von Zilla ੴ[2k]: oof, yeah understandable
[17:21] Von Zilla ੴ[2k]: Variation: I thought you would do this
[17:21] Von Zilla ੴ[2k]: force capture race
[17:21] Von Zilla ੴ[2k]: oh but I have an eye in sente
[17:21] Von Zilla ੴ[2k]: at k9
[17:21] Von Zilla ੴ[2k]: *j9
[17:22] Holon[8k]: I thought it would be a bad idea to save both unless you let me connect
[17:22] Holon[8k]: they become a reliability
[17:23] Holon[8k]: Variation: 3
[17:23] Von Zilla ੴ[2k]: yeah
[17:23] Von Zilla ੴ[2k]: Variation: you can live here
[17:29] Von Zilla ੴ[2k]: Variation: veryyyyyy large
[17:30] Von Zilla ੴ[2k]: Variation: looking really scary for me
[17:31] Von Zilla ੴ[2k]: Variation: I think this group has many options
[17:33] Von Zilla ੴ[2k]: Variation: another option
[17:35] Holon[8k]: Variation: I thought about this, but it looks so ugly and I didn't see the follow up
[17:35] Von Zilla ੴ[2k]: yeah its just a push into atari sequence
[17:36] Von Zilla ੴ[2k]: ugly shapes does not automatically mean bad
[17:36] Von Zilla ੴ[2k]: hehe
[17:39] Holon[8k]: Variation: lol... I thought about this one... but I didn't think it works right away?
[17:40] Von Zilla ੴ[2k]: It simply cuts my group off and gives me more headache
[17:40] Holon[8k]: Variation: I guess it does huh?
[17:40] Von Zilla ੴ[2k]: It's very much working in that sense
[17:40] Von Zilla ੴ[2k]: Hehe
[17:40] Von Zilla ੴ[2k]: Yes exactly
[17:40] Von Zilla ੴ[2k]: You're variation is correct

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