Move 141
1 capture
0 captures
+ 7.5
Rules: Chinese
White wins by Resignation
Move 9
July 10, 2024
[19:45] Holon[8k]: Joseki for 3-3 always starts to come out first. That's a general idea in Go, you always play towards the center first
Move 12
[19:46] Holon[8k]: this is fine still tho
[19:46] Holon[8k]: we got the joseki result
[19:46] Urasen[25k]: Phew!
[19:46] Holon[8k]: Now I can play an extension to my wall. And you can play away
Move 13
[19:47] Holon[8k]: Or you can cut D16 for a fight to attack my wall
Move 17
[19:48] Urasen[25k]: Over or under? I guess under
Move 18
[19:49] Holon[8k]: If you decide to cut you want to defend the cutting stone. But I made myself stronger at E12
[19:49] Holon[8k]: so it's risky
Move 19
[19:49] Urasen[25k]: Defend the cutting stone. I will try and remember that
Move 20
[19:50] Holon[8k]: A cutting stone is only worth something, if you can live with it. If the cutting stone dies... it's not really a cut, right?
Move 21
[19:50] Urasen[25k]: Good point
[19:50] Holon[8k]: Now I captured it. That's a net
Move 23
[19:51] Urasen[25k]: I’m still learning when and how to set nets and ladders
[19:51] Urasen[25k]: I do see the net though
Move 24
[19:52] Holon[8k]: Nets and ladders are the most important tactics in Go. Absolutely fundamental. But there are easy and complex versions of them.
Move 40
[19:54] Holon[8k]: Hane! Hane on top of 2 and 3 stones if you can. Proverb.
[19:54] Holon[8k]: Variation: hane
Move 41
[19:54] Urasen[25k]: I read that you should try and net if you can, rather than ladder
Move 42
[19:54] Holon[8k]: That's also true.
[19:55] Holon[8k]: Ladders can break as you probably know. Nets just kill instantly.
Move 49
[19:56] Holon[8k]: xD
[19:56] Urasen[25k]: I think those stones are dead in the net
[19:56] Holon[8k]: Not really a net. But yes, they are surrouneded
Move 50
[19:57] Holon[8k]: Take the left bottom side as a showcase how 4th line stones don't really make something territory as long as it's not a super solid wall.
[19:57] Holon[8k]: I can still invade and live
[19:57] Holon[8k]: And even attack
Move 52
[19:58] Holon[8k]: bad move by me.
[19:58] Urasen[25k]: Why
[19:58] Holon[8k]: Don't play on the first line if you don't absolutely have to. It's way too slow.
[19:59] Urasen[25k]: Ahhh. Okay
[19:59] Holon[8k]: You shouldn't even respond to such a move. It poses no threat at all
Move 53
[19:59] Urasen[25k]: Good to inow
[19:59] Urasen[25k]: Know
Move 54
[20:00] Holon[8k]: 1st line moves are endgame moves. They become important when you fight over the last few points on the board. Here we have plenty of larger spaces to grab.
Move 78
[20:02] Urasen[25k]: Trying to live in the middle of the board is hard
[20:03] Holon[8k]: yep. It's the hardest
Move 107
[20:05] Urasen[25k]: Misclick
Move 106
[20:05] Urasen[25k]: Thx
[20:05] Holon[8k]: wanna take back?
[20:05] Urasen[25k]: All good
Move 141
[20:07] Holon[8k]: Up for a quick review?
[20:08] Urasen[25k]: Certainly
[20:08] Holon[8k]: This is game basically
[20:08] Urasen[25k]: I think that is game

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