Move 272
170 points
191 points
Rules: New Zealand
White wins by 21 points


Move 9
November 14, 2024
[18:44] m.leonard.chalut[25k]: Sorry, clumsy fingers. I did not mean to click the Undo button.
Move 10
November 15, 2024
[3:01] msaari[12k]: Enjoy the game!
Move 16
[9:13] m.leonard.chalut[25k]: Thank you, sir. Enjoy the game.
Move 160
November 20, 2024
[4:02] msaari[12k]: I think that part turned out pretty well for you.
Move 201
[4:17] m.leonard.chalut[25k]: You’re more optimistic than I am. I was a little concerned I was behind the game there.
Move 207
[4:22] msaari[12k]: You could contain my attack pretty well, and got a solid wall. Unfortunately, the other side leaked a bit then...
Move 262
[5:09] msaari[12k]: A few more points to grab on the board, then we're done.
[5:10] msaari[12k]: Thanks for the game! This was a much harder struggle for me than one might expect from the rankings, trying to create territory against a nine-stone handicap is always hard.
Move 267
[5:20] m.leonard.chalut[25k]: Yes thank you. I’ve really looked forward to seeing playing out this game.
[5:24] m.leonard.chalut[25k]: Pardon my syntax. I meant to say I’ve really looked forward to playing out this game.
[7:17] msaari[12k]: I did a review to give you some pointers along the way.

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