Move 270
1 capture
28 captures
+ 6.5
Rules: Japanese
White wins by Resignation
Move 217
December 29, 2024
[19:20] prairiefarms[15k]: just a bit of advice, you should place your pieces in areas where they can live. places where you can make two eyes. Where you are right now those stones are dead.
Move 218
[19:21] prairiefarms[15k]: as you keep attacking me my stones will just become stronger.
[19:21] prairiefarms[15k]: Notice that i know have a massive moyo because you kept attacking me. my area has become huge, and you only own the upper right corner.
Move 219
[19:22] prairiefarms[15k]: by not defending your own stones they ended up dying. Such as the lower left
Move 223
[19:22] prairiefarms[15k]: much better
Move 270
[19:34] KieronT[25k]: Thank you for the advice. I’ll probably resign now as there’s little else for me to gain. I love the game and am very much at the start of my learning journey. Thank you again.
[19:38] prairiefarms[15k]: no problem
[19:38] prairiefarms[15k]: check out gomagic. i used it to learn. They have some free classes and a lot of youtube videos
[19:39] prairiefarms[15k]: Watching them really helped me improve

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