Move 157
2 captures
Rules: Japanese
Win %
Black wins by Resignation
Move 1
December 30, 2024
[22:21] MushNine[20k]: Hi hf
Move 147
January 9, 2025
[13:24] MushNine[20k]: Lomkim, I've enjoyed our game. I don't think you can form two eyes in black territory, so those stones become dead
[13:25] MushNine[20k]: I could be wrong, I'm only 20kyu, but think it might save time to proceed to the endgame (if I'm right)
[13:27] Lomkim[19k]: I don't see any way to form two eyes either. Just hoping you make a mistake
[13:27] MushNine[20k]: OK. That's fine then
[13:30] Lomkim[20k]: A few more moves, if it doesn't work, then I'll admit defeat
Move 148
[13:31] Lomkim[20k]: This is a really interesting game
[13:32] Lomkim[20k]: I want to try to catch such a good opponent
Move 150
[13:39] MushNine[20k]: That's very nice of you haha. It has been interesting!
Move 157
[13:59] Lomkim[20k]: it didn't work out
[13:59] MushNine[20k]: No prob
[13:59] Lomkim[20k]: this is the end. thanks for playing
[13:59] MushNine[20k]: Welcome. Good game :)

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