Rules: Japanese
White wins by Resignation
Move 5
Toadking[2k]: Interesting move choice
Move 20
Holon[8k]: unexpected...
Toadking[2k]: ?
Holon[8k]: I would die with that move
Toadking[2k]: I think that was the best move? But maybe I'm wrong
Move 22
Holon[8k]: weird
Holon[8k]: Variation: this is just dead
Move 21
Toadking[2k]: Undo
Move 20
Holon[8k]: I can't believe this is not alive it should be
Toadking[2k]: Play on
Toadking[2k]: The same smove
Move 22
Toadking[2k]: Cant u make eyes by extending
Toadking[2k]: B15
Toadking[2k]: Or no?
Move 25
Holon[8k]: it's a false eye
Holon[8k]: or can't you hane?
Move 26
Toadking[2k]: Yeah
Toadking[2k]: I think it holds
Move 37
Toadking[2k]: Wow
Toadking[2k]: Complicated
Holon[8k]: We are inventing a new joseki? xD
Toadking[2k]: We are inventing something indeed xD
Toadking[2k]: Hmm you threaten a ladder if I be greedy
Holon[8k]: yep
Toadking[2k]: Very weird position
Move 38
Holon[8k]: It's so funny our games always end up in positions where we both kinda have no clue what's going on
Toadking[2k]: Truuuu lol
Move 39
Toadking[2k]: It's always some crazyness
Move 40
Holon[8k]: So I live in a weird complex way
Toadking[2k]: Yeah but I got some nice influence
Move 42
Holon[8k]: Oh I think I have to play G17, if you play it I am in atari
Move 43
Toadking[2k]: Yep
Move 83
Toadking[2k]: I guess I can allow u to live lol
Move 85
Toadking[2k]: Actually I can't
Move 86
Holon[8k]: lol
Holon[8k]: I didn't see that at all
Toadking[2k]: I didn't for a sec
Move 147
Toadking[2k]: I think the issue in our games
Toadking[2k]: Is I always capture some important cutting stones early
Toadking[2k]: And the become too painful
Move 150
Holon[8k]: You are just good at cutting me in the right places. And thus I often can't protect them all
Move 154
Toadking[2k]: Maybe
Move 176
Holon[8k]: I don't know. I am kinda upset I didn't just live on the bottom. The initial pincer and extension was not crazy.
Toadking[2k]: Yeah u should of been able to live here
Holon[8k]: I think I spent too much time making the corner a little too safe
Toadking[2k]: Exactly
Toadking[2k]: Variation: Huge error
Holon[8k]: Let's kill this and play again. I want to look at that thing at the start
Toadking[2k]: I'm down for another
Toadking[2k]: Wow so the move u made initially was correct
Holon[8k]: Variation: AI variation.... eh.... but why?
Toadking[2k]: Wow
Holon[8k]: Variation: this was your blue move btw... the one I expected xD
Toadking[2k]: Yeah I should of played less blood thirsty
Toadking[2k]: I got too hasty
Toadking[2k]: Variation: This was a big error, since I already captured cutting stones
Holon[8k]: Variation: When I had this, I was like... I am alive now. And I really should be.
Holon[8k]: Yeah I thought I was smart and get some influence. But you were too strong even after I forced you to capture
Toadking[2k]: Variation: This move is too early
Toadking[2k]: I would just approach normally
Toadking[2k]: That type of move is more so when you already have positions everywhere else and just wanna live easily
Holon[8k]: I find the move poitless any time later.... it only makes sense as an approach move
Toadking[2k]: I don't think so
Toadking[2k]: Variation: Maybe here it would make more sense
Toadking[2k]: Even then I don't like it much
Holon[8k]: Oh you mean when White is already at K16, K17, or anywhere around there... so I don't jump into a straight pincer?
Toadking[2k]: Variation: This is the more common sequence
Toadking[2k]: Yeah kinda like that If I understand u correctly
Toadking[2k]: Variation: This feels more natural to me btw
Holon[8k]: Variation: this looks kinda fun. You don't die, but I can squeze some influence here maybe.... better than in the game
Toadking[2k]: Variation: Yeah maybe this much
Toadking[2k]: One more?
Holon[8k]: Variation: I wonder if I should have lived with this stuff
Holon[8k]: sure
Toadking[2k]: Variation: I would look for some attachments
Toadking[2k]: Since u are weak here
Toadking[2k]: Weak means = attach for strength
Holon[8k]: That's kinda counterintuitive... attachements moves strengthen the stone you attach to...
Toadking[2k]: Variation: Still not fun, but at least u escape here
Holon[8k]: That's why we extend after a kick
Toadking[2k]: Yeah its not intuitive, but when u are the strong one
Toadking[2k]: Don't attach
Toadking[2k]: Because I don't need a bad exchange to gain strength
Holon[8k]: interesting
Toadking[2k]: Since u are already strong
Toadking[2k]: But when u are weak in an opponent's sphere of influence
Toadking[2k]: U can afford to make a bad exchange to gain strength
Toadking[2k]: Since they are already strong
Holon[8k]: I see
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