Move 206
6 captures
3 captures
+ 6.5
Rules: Japanese
White wins by Timeout
Move 4
January 17, 2025
[18:27] Holon[8k]: Sometimes I find Clossius funny. He offers free reviews to get a follower base... and then he jump scares them away with 500 dollar packs of teaching games.
Move 5
[18:28] Toadking[2k]: Yeah it's like a free trial I guess
[18:28] Toadking[2k]: Xd
Move 6
[18:28] Holon[8k]: I would just start with 100 dollars, instead of 500. It seems a bit much.
Move 7
[18:28] Toadking[2k]: I haven't looked into his teaching packages
Move 8
[18:29] Holon[8k]: I didn't either, he just promoted them on stream one day
[18:29] Toadking[2k]: Ahh ok
Move 10
[18:29] Holon[8k]: This game: I play cosmic... no I play cosmic... no, my side is bigger...
[18:29] Toadking[2k]: Hahaha
[18:29] Toadking[2k]: Pretty much
Move 14
[18:30] Toadking[2k]: XS
[18:30] Toadking[2k]: XS
[18:30] Toadking[2k]: XD
Move 15
[18:30] Toadking[2k]: Sorry playing on phone
Move 40
[18:33] Holon[8k]: I think I had to live now
[18:34] Toadking[2k]: Yeah. Life in gote gives Dan's nightmare
[18:34] Toadking[2k]: ;)
[18:34] Holon[8k]: I'm SDK, I don't care
[18:34] Toadking[2k]: xD
Move 58
[18:36] Holon[8k]: gosh, I forgot what I was doing
[18:36] Toadking[2k]: U were juggling a bit
[18:37] Holon[8k]: Yeah, I played M16 to prevent this move
[18:37] Holon[8k]: and then allowed it
Move 59
[18:37] Toadking[2k]: Well I guess in that moment u wanted to live inside
Move 98
[18:43] Toadking[2k]: Well this is scary for both kinda
[18:43] Toadking[2k]: XD
[18:44] Holon[8k]: hmm
[18:44] Holon[8k]: I guess I need a good poker face now
Move 121
[18:47] Toadking[2k]: Well done, I think i got a bad result here
[18:48] Holon[8k]: I was about to say... not the worst exchange I've ever seen
Move 128
[18:49] Holon[8k]: $*!%
[18:49] Holon[8k]: really
[18:49] Toadking[2k]: XD
Move 129
[18:51] Toadking[2k]: Some the exchanges at the top made this group unstable
Move 130
[18:51] Holon[8k]: I'm not sure, maybe that one stone at L17 was not worth it... and killed some aji as well
Move 131
[18:52] Toadking[2k]: K17 was the issue I think
[18:52] Holon[8k]: Maybe I shouldn't have cut there at all
[18:52] Toadking[2k]: Yeah
[18:52] Holon[8k]: yeah
Move 161
[18:55] Toadking[2k]: ?
Move 162
[18:56] Holon[8k]: oh I didn't have to play there
[18:56] Toadking[2k]: I think that was a fatal error
[18:57] Holon[8k]: Can we go one back?
[18:57] Toadking[2k]: Sure
Move 160
[18:57] Holon[8k]: That was kind of a reflex move, but a bad one
[18:57] Toadking[2k]: Don't worry haha it happens
[18:58] Holon[8k]: I don't know if this can hold anyway tho
Move 161
[18:58] Toadking[2k]: Yeah that's the move I expected
Move 162
[18:58] Holon[8k]: I kinda liked that extension sequence at L7... but not sure it works
Move 163
[18:59] Toadking[2k]: It was tempting for sure
Move 174
[19:01] Holon[8k]: yeah it can't hold
[19:01] Holon[8k]: no way
Move 206
[19:06] Toadking[2k]: Gg
[19:07] Holon[8k]: Your game anyway. I just tried to see if I can go after some aji at the end xD
[19:07] Toadking[2k]: Variation: Such an artistic position
[19:07] Holon[8k]: But you read it in like a millisecond lol
[19:07] Toadking[2k]: I haven't even been practicing tsumego
[19:07] Holon[8k]: It's kinda dumb xd
[19:07] Toadking[2k]: It's all instinct I guess
[19:08] Holon[8k]: That's your misconception about instinct and tsumego I guess: Tsumego becomes instinct when you are good at it
[19:08] Holon[8k]: If you where not able to solve tsumego your instinct would be shite
[19:09] Toadking[2k]: Well yeah I guess, maybe all the puzzles I did in the past have become instinct
[19:09] Toadking[2k]: X
[19:09] Toadking[2k]: XD
[19:10] Holon[8k]: You also play a lot of games which just builds tsumego skills even though you don't try to do tsumego at that moment. You just play and solve them on the go
[19:10] Toadking[2k]: I think I'm good at processing reading when it's like a direct absolute path, but when the board is open, I'm really bad at making inferences. But when it's like forced sequences I can read that very fast
[19:11] Holon[8k]: Like against Nilpferd... who is the guy who forces you to xD
[19:11] Toadking[2k]: Exactly
[19:11] Toadking[2k]: Well he plays in a way where my skill set is not as applicable
[19:12] Toadking[2k]: Just makes good shapes everywhere and i cry
[19:13] Holon[8k]: I'm kinda impressed you manage to do a job like software developement, which is actually really brain heavy... and still improve in Go. My job is just exhausting because I have to deal with lots of people every day. But my job doesn't require to use a lot of brain space.
[19:13] Toadking[2k]: Well right now I'm not doing software, job market is thin and my last placement ended
[19:13] Toadking[2k]: :(
[19:14] Toadking[2k]: But I'm doing a sales job till I get my next actual career job
[19:14] Holon[8k]: Job market is thin in Software? How does that ever happen?
[19:14] Toadking[2k]: Well it's not thin in the sense where there is no jobs
[19:14] Toadking[2k]: But for senior devs there is lots of work
[19:15] Toadking[2k]: Plenty of positions
[19:15] Toadking[2k]: I just don't have 5 years of solid work experience
[19:16] Toadking[2k]: Canada is also not in the best shape right now either
[19:16] Holon[8k]: I always considered doing something in the IT sector when I was like 20 years old. But I never dared to, because it's such a brutally hard market where you need a lot of skill to survive. Not sure if that's still the case... but back then, it was intimidating.
[19:17] Toadking[2k]: It's still is like that, many companies require very wide skill sets. While also keeping up with modern technologies
[19:17] Toadking[2k]: Every 2-3 years it's different and it's easy to become outdated
[19:18] Holon[8k]: That's always been the crux about it, also as optician: If you are new, like after professional training, you have to apply for jobs where they demand insane amounts of knowledge that beginners just don't have.
[19:19] Holon[8k]: And just hope they give you a shot
[19:20] Toadking[2k]: Yep it's harsh xD

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