Move 3
Move 1
February 20, 2025
[0:33] setofallsubsets[6k]: REMINDER: I will be trying to sabotage the black team by playing the worst move I can find in the position.
[0:35] setofallsubsets[6k]: The rest of you should play the best moves you can.
[0:54] Amui[25k]: ok
[0:54] Amui[25k]: but bruh
[0:54] Amui[25k]: a move in the corner is the dumbest move
[0:55] Amui[25k]: which is great
[0:55] Amui[25k]: guys do S18
[0:55] Amui[25k]: we will win
[0:55] Amui[25k]: so do S18
[0:55] Amui[25k]: it's the best move
[0:55] Amui[25k]: I can think of
[0:56] Amui[25k]: well we might not win because it depends on what comes next
[0:56] Amui[25k]: but for now do S18
[0:56] Amui[25k]: to net the stone
[2:52] Harry O[18k]: I was told by a seasoned player that it is improper to discuss moves, strategy, or make suggestions to one's team.
Move 3
[14:20] cyrqet[21k]: So are we each to take a turn placing a stone for our team as the game progresses? Just rengo but with more people taking turns? Is that how this works?
March 3, 2025
[0:46] Amui[25k]: yeah one person makes a turn then switches with the next person in line
[0:46] Amui[25k]: and when the line is back
[0:46] Amui[25k]: that person can make a move again
[0:47] Amui[25k]: hang on
[0:47] Amui[25k]: who made the move
[0:47] Amui[25k]: ahh sertana
[0:48] Amui[25k]: ok someone playing corner
[0:48] Amui[25k]: play a corner the corner depends
[0:49] Amui[25k]: I think D4
[4:02] system[9d+]: 'wisutamp' (white) left: Timed out
March 12, 2025
[4:02] system[9d+]: 'Vincent Y' (white) left: Timed out
March 13, 2025
[10:48] system[9d+]: 'cyrqet' (white) left: Resignation

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