Move 230
79 points
81.5 points
Rules: Korean
White wins by 2.5 points


Move 1
January 8, 2017
[9:05] kavias[4k]: Hi again! Have a good game!
[9:05] kavias[4k]: Hi again! Have a good game!
January 9, 2017
[8:55] serieux[4k]: Hey, you too
[8:55] serieux[4k]: Hey, you too
Move 223
February 24, 2017
[15:39] serieux[4k]: ouch
[15:39] kavias[5k]: yu
[15:39] serieux[4k]: mistake
[15:39] kavias[5k]: I know
[15:39] serieux[4k]: take back ?
[15:39] serieux[4k]: we are filling dame
[15:39] kavias[5k]: I'll lose trhe game anyway
Move 222
[15:39] serieux[4k]: this is not the game anymore :p
Move 223
[15:39] kavias[5k]: Thanks
Move 228
[15:40] kavias[5k]: I just try to minimize the damage :)
Move 230
[15:41] serieux[4k]: very close
[15:41] serieux[4k]: thanks
[15:41] kavias[5k]: so close
[15:41] kavias[5k]: if my yose were better ...
[15:43] kavias[5k]: h7 instead of j7
[15:43] serieux[4k]: yeah
[15:43] serieux[4k]: you played some slow moves
[15:44] serieux[4k]: but I did as well
[15:45] kavias[5k]: if my move 191 was h15 instead h16 ...
[15:45] kavias[5k]: I misread the attack
[15:46] kavias[5k]: I aws somehow convinced that you had a bigger advance so my yose was not very sharp
[15:46] kavias[5k]: *was
[15:48] kavias[5k]: Thanks for the games!

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