Move 72
6 captures
+ 5.5
Rules: Japanese
White wins by Resignation
Move 2
May 22, 2017
[13:06] Alxco[7k]: hi have a good game
[14:44] UncommonGray[7k]: Hi, gg
Move 70
June 3, 2017
[18:18] Alxco[6k]: hum, that's too bad you played so fast on this one
[18:18] Alxco[6k]: the game was so close before that
[18:39] Alxco[6k]: Variation: 1
[18:44] Alxco[6k]: i also felt that H2 was strange, leaving lot a aji. J2 was maybe better ? Taking a little loss but in gote for white
Move 72
[23:56] UncommonGray[7k]: Quite probably, yeah. I was taking some moves on my phone without paying enough attention to the whole board and it came back to bite me. Thanks for the game :)

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