Rules: AGA
Review by: ...
JeansebL[4d]: Do we already know which nagf account will be streaming the other game?
nagf1[?]: nagf4
JeansebL[4d]: thanks :)
Move 0 + 21
💖 KoBa 💖[2k]: i already like kevi with this jump in the center ^^
Trevoke[8k]: I am not really a big fan of the new AI joseki for the most part but I also don't really play 4-4 so I don't have much to talk about I guess
Move 0 + 31
nagf1[?]: Kinda reminds me of the previus game...
nagf1[?]: previous*
Trevoke[8k]: Yeah, a few key differences but there's echos
Move 0 + 33
GoDave89[4d]: haha
Move 0 + 35
Trevoke[8k]: oh Alex is going for the strategy that defeated Edward
Trevoke[8k]: That's not gonna work here, I don't think
nagf1[?]: What is the strategy? I did not see the game
Trevoke[8k]: Uh
Trevoke[8k]: "If I play in the center and poke at your groups, you can't use them"
Move 0 + 36
nagf1[?]: thats bullying
robertqi78[?]: no strategy here...just enjoy the game and get ready for tomorrow against Eric or Remi
Move 0 + 37
Trevoke[8k]: I mean
Trevoke[8k]: I never claimed it was *good* but poor Edward did not handle it well.
Move 0 + 38
nagf1[?]: we all did that before
💖 KoBa 💖[2k]: roberqi78, are you relate to white by any chance?
💖 KoBa 💖[2k]: *related
robertqi78[?]: of course
nagf1[?]: father and son
Move 0 + 39
nagf1[?]: very strong
Move 0 + 41
💖 KoBa 💖[2k]: oh i see, must be great to see your son playing in matches like these ^^
Move 0 + 43
robertqi78[?]: well, not the match this morning...i think he was bring scared this morning a little
Trevoke[8k]: I hope you're right and he is able to come back for games 2 and 3! He clearly showed solid strength during the earlier rounds
Move 0 + 45
Trevoke[8k]: I am blown away by their use of shape
Move 0 + 47
Trevoke[8k]: No matter what happens today I surely hope we'll see games between these two for the decades to come
Move 0 + 49
Aumpa[4k]: right
Move 0 + 50
Lensman[?]: i just hope i am alive for decades to come, lol
Move 0 + 53
Trevoke[8k]: this two-space extension on the fourth line is something I never play because my style is almost entirely stolen from Dosaku, so basically all third line
Move 0 + 54
Trevoke[8k]: I was going to ask what its benefits are but I guess that move is the answer
Move 0 + 63
Vegetable[2d]: this is beautiful tenuki empty triangle to ask some questions
Vegetable[2d]: if a low sdk played this move i'd be fairly upset at them, but now i'm like O_o
Move 0 + 64
💖 KoBa 💖[2k]: pro-level power-triangle? ^^
Move 0 + 63
robertqi78[?]: that actually looks like first mistake by Kevin..N11 is better asking move
Move 0 + 64
robertqi78[?]: actually helped white fix the shape
Move 0 + 67
nagf1[?]: misreading?
Move 0 + 64
robertqi78[?]: not sure...
robertqi78[?]: well, it's already better than morning's game..i think in the morning after 50 moves game was basically over
nagf1[?]: getting better
Move 0 + 65
robertqi78[?]: now still look pretty even
Move 0 + 64
Vegetable[2d]: i think i prefer white a little in this
Move 0 + 65
robertqi78[?]: eric and remi's game is a lot more fun to look at
Move 0 + 64
Vegetable[2d]: because white has some potnetial to make some more points, where as black is pretty much locked with what they get
Vegetable[2d]: and i never like that
Move 0 + 70
Vegetable[2d]: i think we will see who plays better yose
Move 0 + 73
rainxy[1d]: hard to tell where are the bigger moves on board
Move 0 + 75
Fredda91[9d]: what anti cheating measures are in this tournament? :D
Move 0 + 76
nagf1[?]: none
nagf1[?]: transcribers wathces them
nagf1[?]: watches*
Move 0 + 79
Welvang[1p]: good question
Fredda91[9d]: do they play from home?
Fredda91[9d]: or live?
nagf1[?]: live
Welvang[1p]: that all blue move sequence is so questionnable i don't know any human being playing this
Trevoke[8k]: In the National Go Center in Washington DC I believe
robertqi78[?]: no electronic devices allowed on players
robertqi78[?]: face to face
nagf1[?]: this tournament is in person at NGC
Trevoke[8k]: With masks on though, I suppose they could have a device that taps morse code on the inside of their cheek
Vegetable[2d]: :D
nagf1[?]: Kevin Yang is not wearing mask
Move 0 + 74
bigfry[8k]: Welvang, which sequence are you talking about?
Move 0 + 79
Trevoke[8k]: *gasp* Kevin's an actual robot
Fredda91[9d]: feels like it :D
Vegetable[2d]: the morse device is hidden in the jail pocket.
Fredda91[9d]: maybe KY will be our first 9p
Move 0 + 71
Welvang[1p]: from move 71
Welvang[1p]: this is not human
Move 0 + 70
bigfry[8k]: What else does black even play here though?
Move 0 + 78
bigfry[8k]: seems normal to me
Move 0 + 82
Trevoke[8k]: you and I are probably too dumb to see how hard it actually is to find these moves
Move 0 + 71
bigfry[8k]: no
Move 0 + 82
nagf1[?]: AI move? Or normal human moves?
Trevoke[8k]: Though to be fair I probably wouldn't have played K6
Trevoke[8k]: Soooooo
Fredda91[9d]: its AI sequence..
Move 0 + 71
Welvang[1p]: it's all blue katago, but i'm not sure shin jinseo would play that
Move 0 + 83
Fredda91[9d]: for me the sequence is unimaginable, its like watching top pro play
nagf1[?]: is it all AI sequence?
Fredda91[9d]: but playing live, shouldnt be possible to cheat, so KY must be unimaginable strong
Move 0 + 84
Nealo[3k]: That seems to be the concensus
Move 0 + 70
bigfry[8k]: Other than M6 at move 71, black's only other decent move is D2
Move 0 + 84
Trevoke[8k]: They're both quite strong players, and yes, Kevin is a monster
Fredda91[9d]: from 71 all move is same as kata
Move 0 + 71
Welvang[1p]: yeah, if he hasnt AI implanted in his brain, he's at least top 100 or top 50 in the world
Move 0 + 73
bigfry[8k]: no, he's not that strong
Move 0 + 71
Welvang[1p]: but move 71 just shock me
Move 0 + 74
Fredda91[9d]: seems to be that strong
Move 0 + 85
Fredda91[9d]: its cool
bigfry[8k]: no top 100 or top 50 in the world would play O10
Welvang[1p]: that's another topic xD
Trevoke[8k]: Even O10 was at most a 2-point mistake I think
Welvang[1p]: and it's not a big mistake
Move 0 + 86
bigfry[8k]: it's a big mistake
bigfry[8k]: for a peaceful game like this
Welvang[1p]: thanks bigfry for spreading your understanding of the game
Move 0 + 87
bigfry[8k]: just cause I'm "8k" doesn't actually mean I'm 8k
bigfry[8k]: lol
Trevoke[8k]: It might be the biggest mistake of the game
bigfry[8k]: I'm a full time teacher
Trevoke[8k]: But that doesn't make it big :p
Welvang[1p]: no, you are a big fry :D
bigfry[8k]: no need to be rude Welvang
Trevoke[8k]: I definitely wouldn't have caught O10 as a mistake if robertqi hadn't pointed it out
robertqi78[?]: make white feel better that he lost to top 50 in the world
Welvang[1p]: I am not being rude, i am just astonished by the level of play
Fredda91[9d]: white also playing super well
nagf1[?]: It is impossible for KY to cheat
JeansebL[4d]: big fry is a compliment, small fry would be rude ^^
Move 0 + 88
Trevoke[8k]: I'm glad I'm not the only one blown away by this game
Move 0 + 89
RobinB[2d]: seeing it live must be something special
nagf1[?]: yup
robertqi78[?]: freddda, please accept alexqi on kgs as your opponent in the future
robertqi78[?]: :-)
Welvang[1p]: fredda only plays opponents he knows
Move 0 + 90
Welvang[1p]: you just erase the AI use threat this way
robertqi78[?]: he tried to play with you couple times but you only play zchen
Fredda91[9d]: okay ill play with him
robertqi78[?]: alexqi is white here
Fredda91[9d]: didnt know who it was
Fredda91[9d]: never heard his name before
Move 0 + 91
Trevoke[8k]: <3
Fredda91[9d]: your brother?
Welvang[1p]: same, what's his background ? Anyone knows ?
Fredda91[9d]: son?
Move 0 + 92
Trevoke[8k]: Some player profile here https://www.usgo.org/news/2022/06/nagf-pro-qualification-tournament-player-profiles/
Welvang[1p]: thanks
SLaurel[3k]: bigfry is one one the Harwit brothers?
Move 0 + 91
robertqi78[?]: i am alex's father
Move 0 + 92
Fredda91[9d]: cool
Welvang[1p]: oh, also 14, very nice
Fredda91[9d]: hope he makes it as pro
Trevoke[8k]: Alex is 14 and Kevin is 15, they're ... Amazing.
RobinB[2d]: what are the players time ?
Welvang[1p]: yes, i'm cheering for Rémi, but the level of this game is far beyond the loser finals
Move 0 + 93
robertqi78[?]: eric and remi's game are more fun to watch for sure
Move 0 + 94
Welvang[1p]: yeah of course it's more fun to watch human than bots basically ;)
aesalon[3d]: remi had a good game vs alex
aesalon[3d]: most of the game
Move 0 + 95
Welvang[1p]: as these two are almost playing perfect
Trevoke[8k]: I think this game is a lot of fun to watch but certainly I have more to learn than most of you :)
Move 0 + 103
RobinB[2d]: how much left on the clocks ?
Move 0 + 104
nagf1[?]: b 52 min, w 30 min
Move 0 + 105
RobinB[2d]: impressive
RobinB[2d]: thanks
nagf1[?]: As a 13 year old, these two really inspire me
RobinB[2d]: youre 13 ?
Fredda91[9d]: do you know the players?
GoDave89[4d]: who even is leading in this game? :'D
RobinB[2d]: faith ? lol
JeansebL[4d]: W, by 0.2 :p
GoDave89[4d]: lol
robertqi78[?]: black only used 23 mins
nagf1[?]: its still a close game
GoDave89[4d]: well watch this game now and Erics comeback later :D
Move 0 + 112
vitamancy[2k]: Welvang, have you play Kevin the in the Transcontinental tournament, or were you in different groups?
Move 0 + 114
Fantleroy[6d]: different groups
Vegetable[2d]: kek, kata puts game dead even still. cool stuff, though i want white to win so we get one more game :D
Move 0 + 116
nagf1[?]: what percentage is the AI gicing for both sides?
nagf1[?]: giving*
Move 0 + 117
JeansebL[4d]: Kata thinks the difference is less than 0.5 :)
Vegetable[2d]: white tiny advantage
Vegetable[2d]: i think
nagf1[?]: ...
Move 0 + 118
Nealo[3k]: Haha I only read "White tiny" and was like "are you commenting on the man's height?
GoDave89[4d]: lol
Vegetable[2d]: well that is prolly true too
Move 0 + 119
GoDave89[4d]: tinyqi
nagf1[?]: he and his fmaily are going to read this
Nealo[3k]: This is a good matchup, fun to watch
Move 0 + 121
Nealo[3k]: they're gonna be $*!%
Nealo[3k]: Vegetable you'd better lay low for a while
GoDave89[4d]: lulwut?
Move 0 + 125
GoDave89[4d]: vegetable doesn't want to start beef :P
Move 0 + 126
Vegetable[2d]: i clealry don't do animal stuff
RobinB[2d]: all 3k on OGS seem to be savage lol
Move 0 + 126
Nealo[3k]: We have to make up for being bad at go :')
Move 0 + 127
GoDave89[4d]: ah, I was confused by R19 :D
Move 0 + 133
GoDave89[4d]: annoying
Vegetable[2d]: white up 1.4 says kata, so close :d
Nealo[3k]: 3 kyus, UNITE!
RobinB[2d]: this game is kind of insane
RobinB[2d]: i understand barely nothing
Move 0 + 134
Vegetable[2d]: uff, white threw most of their lead thre
Move 0 + 137
Vegetable[2d]: though apparently my kata is a bit slow, need faster computer
Vegetable[2d]: it keeps changing its mind
Move 0 + 138
nagf1[?]: What percentage is black right now?
Move 0 + 139
AlbertYen[7d]: seems like W is doing okay
Pepper_001[7k]: B + 56%
Vegetable[2d]: 17% for black says mine
Vegetable[2d]: 1.1 points white lead, it says.
Pepper_001[7k]: I'm running B60 at 10K playouts rn
Vegetable[2d]: yours is more than mine prolly, so prolly more close to correct :P
Move 0 + 141
RobinB[2d]: first time se gives black ahead
Move 0 + 142
GoDave89[4d]: other game is over in the meantime - nobody knocked out today ^^
Sungsoo Kim[1d]: Hello people we meet again
Trevoke[8k]: you're here, that means the other game is over?
Sungsoo Kim[1d]: with a dramatic finish yes
nagf1[?]: Remi wins that game
Trevoke[8k]: wow
Lensman[?]: Eric ran out of magic
Trevoke[8k]: Had to happen someday
Move 0 + 144
nagf4[?]: looks like we will see a third game tomorrow for Remi and Eric
Move 0 + 145
klarnold[2d]: and who is our recorder for this game, he says showing up late....
nagf1[?]: this game?
klarnold[2d]: yes
Move 0 + 146
odnihs[5d]: i'm guessing derek?
nagf1[?]: wow
klarnold[2d]: cool
pattheboy135[?]: How much time do Alex and Kevin have?
nagf1[?]: b 38 min, w 15 min
Fredda91[9d]: are there any photos from tournament?
pattheboy135[?]: Thanks
nagf1[?]: you can find the photos online
Fredda91[9d]: where
nagf1[?]: thanks devin
Devin Fraze[2k]: sure thing nagf1!
Move 0 + 148
nagf1[?]: I love burning board...:)
Sungsoo Kim[1d]: Will Alex keep his lead till the end
Move 0 + 149
Devin Fraze[2k]: <3
Move 0 + 150
robertqi78[?]: that's basically even game
nagf1[?]: Very close if you counted
Sungsoo Kim[1d]: It is close, but it's true that w has the slightest lead
klarnold[2d]: well, I am missing something, my count has black up, but it is close
nagf1[?]: It all matters how black deals with the cut
nagf1[?]: Would be gamebreaking if Alex beats kevin...
Trevoke[8k]: This game is *riveting*
Trevoke[8k]: Kevin must be counting furiously
nagf1[?]: we all know the score
AlbertYen[7d]: but endgame byo yomi hasn't been Alex's strength
AlbertYen[7d]: to my knowledge
Sungsoo Kim[1d]: They are not in byoyomi just yet
AlbertYen[7d]: idk how much time they have left
nagf1[?]: Alex still has 20 min left
Trevoke[8k]: I mean Kevin must be counting what happens after the possible answers
nagf1[?]: Kevin is 28 min
AlbertYen[7d]: good for Alex
Move 0 + 151
klarnold[2d]: that seems all out
Sungsoo Kim[1d]: wait what
Trevoke[8k]: According to AI, proof that Kevin is human
Sungsoo Kim[1d]: Am I missing something or is black just disconnected
AlbertYen[7d]: how is B not dead here
nagf1[?]: I see what he is doing here...
Trevoke[8k]: Kevin may have played one exchange in his mind and put the next move on the board?
nagf1[?]: I see what he is doing here...
Move 0 + 152
AlbertYen[7d]: Variation: ?
Move 0 + 151
Sungsoo Kim[1d]: That's game for sure, but then Alex missed a kill against Eric so...
Vegetable[2d]: i would snap play the cut and then something probably goes horribly wrong. or cut it some way.
nagf1[?]: Would be difficult for kevin if ALex plays the cut
Trevoke[8k]: Alex is probably forced to reevaluate everything to see if he missed something now
GoDave89[4d]: yeah
nagf1[?]: WHat is black's winrate now?
nagf1[?]: What*
GoDave89[4d]: blacks winrate is nonexistent :P
Move 0 + 152
Sungsoo Kim[1d]: He's just probably debating between F6 and E6
nagf1[?]: Third game...?
Sungsoo Kim[1d]: And there is F6
nagf1[?]: first player to offically beat Kevin...?
Vegetable[2d]: i wouldn't call it yet
RobinB[2d]: so he hallucinated ?
Sungsoo Kim[1d]: I would call it so hard right now
Vegetable[2d]: someone missing something :D
AlbertYen[7d]: I just think B wasn't doing well before this anyways
klarnold[2d]: seems the aji at j5 can be the only thing
Fredda91[9d]: did wifi crash??
nagf1[?]: But w can bamboo
AlbertYen[7d]: W would win just from capturing the J7 stones
Fredda91[9d]: cool g3
klarnold[2d]: good point nagf
nagf1[?]: Kevin Resigns!!
nagf1[?]: ALex wins the game
Trevoke[8k]: Oof
Trevoke[8k]: Thanks for scribing
klarnold[2d]: both go the distance
Nealo[3k]: well played by both
Move 0 + 161
vitamancy[2k]: Wow. Thanks. Glad to see some game 3's.
Move 0 + 152
klarnold[2d]: not the Edward Zhang distance.....
klarnold[2d]: different distance
Piwh[4k]: WOW
Aumpa[4k]: woww
DaBird52[?]: wow
💖 KoBa 💖[2k]: gg!!
Devin Fraze[2k]: gg!
Vegetable[2d]: nice
💖 KoBa 💖[2k]: so game 3's coming tomorrow \o/
klarnold[2d]: Go is a strange, we love our dominant players, but an upset now and agin keeps it interesting
Sungsoo Kim[1d]: Someone needs to work on handwriting
Sungsoo Kim[1d]: jk
July 3, 2022
robertqi78[?]: Variation: 1
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