May Holidays
5/1/2023 - 4/29/2024
Clock: Fischer: Clock starts with 3 days and increments by 1 day per move up to a maximum of 1 week.
Granpa Frog, who is an official member of the Gomagic group on the OGS, is holding an unofficial May (2023) Gomagic "May Holidays" tournament.
The USSR had, and Russia has, a great many holidays and anniversaries. In fact, a memorable date can be found every day. The USSR used to publish an annual "tear-off" calendar like this: It consisted of 364 pages, one page for each day. When the day passed, the page had to be torn off. Each day of the calendar was marked with some memorable date. The Day of the Taking of the Bastille (July 14) was especially popular with people. Perhaps this popularity was due to the fact that Soviet citizens did not like to drink alcoholic beverages (vodka) for nothing. They always tried to drink in honor of some holiday. And Bastille Day was a holiday to drink in honor of. The fact that the capture of the Bastille was very far away from Soviet people in time and space gave a special irony to the celebration of this holiday. Which caused its popularity.
So, there are a lot of holidays and memorable dates in Russia. And May is no exception among other months. May also has many holidays celebrated in Russia. The holidays are varied and I will tell you about some of them.
Labor Day - May 01
On May 1, 1886, Chicago workers marched in a rally - people appealed to the government to improve working conditions: establish an 8-hour workday instead of 12-15-hour days, raise wages, stop the exploitation of child labor.
In 1891, the Russian revolutionary Mikhail Brusnev and his comrades-in-arms held the first rally in St. Petersburg. The rally was attended by the working class. Years later, after the events of the October Revolution in 1917, the holiday acquired official status and was called "International Day. In the same year, the first parade, dedicated to May Day, took place in the Soviet Union. And 9 years later, in the summer of 1928, the whole two days - May 1 and May 2 - were declared official holidays.
Victory Day - May 09
On this day the Soviet Union ended a difficult and bloody Great Patriotic War against $*!% Germany and its allies, which lasted from 1941 to 1945. On May 8, 1945 by a decree of the Presidium of the USSR Supreme Soviet the next day - May 9 - was proclaimed Victory Day and made a day off.
Eyewitnesses remembered May 9, 1945 for a lifetime. At 6 a.m. sharp loudspeakers throughout the country announced that the war had ended and peace had come. It was a long-awaited holiday for every Soviet person. People congratulated each other and cried with happiness. There was a celebratory salute in Moscow in the evening - thousands of artillery cannons were fired.
But Victory Day was a holiday only until 1947, after which it was canceled. It was restored only under the CPSU Secretary General Leonid Brezhnev in 1965, when the Great Victory was 20 years old. Since then, and to this day in Russia celebrate its holiday parades and salutes. People honor the memory of the dead, lay bouquets at monuments and honor veterans.
It is one of the most important holidays in Russia.
Day of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Navy - May 13
May 13 is the Day of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Navy. This holiday was established 22 years ago, on July 15, 1996, in accordance with the order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy.
The very history of the emergence of the Black Sea Fleet is a history of continuous struggle, expansion of Russia to the south to protect its borders and neutralize potential adversaries. Officially, the Black Sea Fleet was founded in 1783 by order of Empress Catherine II. Its creation became possible after the Russian Empire incorporated the lands of the Crimean Khanate, primarily the Crimean Peninsula. Azov and Dnieper military flotillas, created during the Russian-Turkish war of 1768-1774, became the basis for the creation of the Black Sea Fleet. On May 13, 1783, 235 years ago, 11 ships of Azov military flotilla entered Akhtiarskaya bay on the south-western coast of the Crimea (now Sevastopol bays). In 1784 the 17 ships of the Dnieper military flotilla were transferred here. It is in memory of these events that the Day of the Black Sea Fleet is celebrated on May 13 every year.
Day of the Baltic Fleet of the Russian Navy - May 18
May 18, Russia celebrates the Day of the Baltic Fleet, one of the four fleets in the Russian Navy and the oldest among all existing fleets. The history of the Baltic Fleet is inextricably linked with the history of our country, the founding of St. Petersburg, the development of the land around the Gulf of Finland and the mouth of the Neva, with the era and the name of the first Russian emperor Peter I and his reforms that changed the country. For many years the Baltic Fleet became the shield that reliably protected the new capital of Russia and the country's borders on the Baltic.
As the foundation date of the Baltic Fleet historians took May 18, 1703, although the first ships of the future fleet laid in late 1702 and in the very early winter of 1703 it was decided to build a powerful fleet in the Baltic, then was drawn up an approximate list of ships future fleet, the first of which built in Novgorod and Pskov shipyards. Nevertheless the birthday of the fleet was May 18, the date is tied to the first victory, which was won on the water. On the night of May 18 30 boats with soldiers of the Semenovsky and Transfiguration regiments, led personally by Peter I and his closest associate Alexander Menshikov, attacked two Swedish warships, which stopped at the mouth of the Neva.
The Swedes did not know that the fortress of Nyenshants, near which they anchored, had previously been seized by Russian soldiers. Peter I skillfully took advantage of this carelessness of the enemy. Thanks to the rapid and sudden night attack the boat "Gedan" and the battleship "Astrild" of the Swedish squadron of Admiral Nummers were captured. On board the ships were 18 guns and 77 men of the crew, of whom 58 were killed in the assault and 19 were taken prisoner. The glorious victory of the Russian arms was the first military engagement on the Baltic, and the war moved from the land to the sea. The victory was symbolic and was of great significance for the formation of the entire Baltic fleet.
Day of Slavonic Script and Culture - May 24
Every year on May 24, the Day of Slavonic Script and Culture is celebrated in Russia. This holiday is connected with the names of two Slavic enlighteners, Cyril and Methodius, creators of Slavic alphabet, preachers of Christianity, first translators of liturgical books from Greek into Slavic.
They are the Bulgarian enlighteners Cyril and Methodius, who created the first Slavic alphabet that we use to this day. They named the alphabet after the younger brother - Cyrillica.
The history of Cyrillic is inseparably connected with Orthodoxy. Using this alphabet brothers made translations of Holy Scripture and a number of liturgical books from Greek.
All-Russian Library Day - May 27
This holiday originated in 1995 and was established by the President of the Russian Federation B.N. Yeltsin.
The day of May 27th was not chosen by chance. This day is the foundation date of the first public library in Russia, the Imperial Public Library, which is called today the National Library of Russia.
May 27, 1795 is the foundation date of the library.
Border Guard Day - May 28
May 28 is Border Guard Day. This holiday of green caps and berets entered the calendar in 1994 on the basis of the presidential decree "About the establishment of the Frontier Guards` Day", which confirmed the Decree of the USSR Council of Ministers from 1958 about the establishment of May 28th as a holiday for all frontier guards of the Soviet Union.
The date of the holiday is not chosen by chance, on this day in 1918 the Council of People's Commissars issued a decree, which established the Border Guard of the RSFSR.
Despite the fact that the holiday appeared in the second half of the 20th century, the frontier guards appeared a long time ago. The whole history of the state is connected with guarding borders and the soldiers guarding the borders have always existed. The first written mention of the Russian frontier guards dates back to 1360, when Metropolitan Alexis gave his blessing to the guards and stanitsa men to monitor the units of the Horde.
There will be no scandals, intrigues or investigations at this tournament. I want calm, peace and goodness, although it never happens that way anywhere.
And now for the nice part. Each participant of this unofficial tournament will receive an unofficial prize - a Chinese Go book in electronic form.
Something about the rules. Please note that each turn adds 1 day to your time, but no more than 3 days. Time is suspended on weekends. This means that you must make one move per day.
Grandfather Frog.
Group | Go Magic |
Tournament Director | GrandPa Frog[5k] |
Exclusivity | Open |
Tournament Type | McMahon |
McMahon Bars | 20k - 10k |
Players | 53 (was 4-100) |
No | |
Initial Pairing Method | Slide |
Subsequent Pairing Method | Slaughter |
Number of Rounds | 3 |
Rules | Japanese |
Board Size | 19x19 |
Handicap | None |
Allowed | |
Rank Restriction | 25 Kyu and above |
Not allowed |