Boldinskaya Autumn

10/1/2023, 6:00:38 PM

Clock: Fischer: Clock starts with 3 days and increments by 1 day per move up to a maximum of 3 days. Pauses on weekends.


Grandpa Frog, who is an official member of the GoMagic group on the OGS, is hosting an unofficial Oсtober (2023) GoMagic Boldinskaya Autumn tournament.

In June 1880, a monument to Pushkin was unveiled in Moscow. This event was a huge three-day celebration, a triumph of Russian literature, which at that time was beginning to gain world recognition. Klyuchevsky, Turgenev, Aksakov... But the main sensation was Dostoevsky's Pushkin speech, which was the will of the writer, who died six months later.

        Monument to Alexander Pushkin by Alexander Opekushin in Moscow.

Dostoevsky began his speech with a quotation from Gogol, who half a century earlier had called Pushkin "an extraordinary and perhaps the only phenomenon of the Russian spirit", "the Russian man in his development, as he may appear in two hundred years". Dostoevsky called Pushkin also the phenomenon of prophetic and spoke not only and not even so much about the poet himself, but about the future destiny of Russia. The idea that the character of an entire nation can be judged by the work of one (even if brilliant) poet, did not seem strange or surprising to anyone. On the contrary, by the second half of the XIX century, it had already managed to gain general recognition. And Russian literature was felt by everyone as the main national treasure and the center of the spiritual life of the entire nation.

A few words about one of the most vivid periods in the work of Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin - the Boldino Autumn.

In September 1830, 193 years ago, Alexander Sergeevich came to the Nizhny Novgorod village of Boldino. Here he wrote the last two chapters of "Eugene Onegin", putting an end to the main novel of his life, to which he gave more than seven years. And in another three months he composed the poem "A House in Kolomna", "Little Tragedies" ("Don Juan", "The Miserly Knight", "Mozart and Salieri", "A Feast during the Plague"); "Belkin's Tales" ("The Shot", "The Blizzard", "The undertaker", "The Station Keeper", "The Peasant Girl"), "The Tale of the Popes and his Worker Balda", "The Story of the Village of Goryukhin", "Besy" and three dozen more poems, literary articles ...

Such a creative explosion of world literature does not know more. It is not without reason that the Boldin Autumn is called the pride and mystery of national and world culture, a mystery imbued with magic, witchcraft power.

        Yevgeny Mukovnin's painting "Pushkin in Boldino".

Friends, October is coming, the autumn season! May it become for us, go players, a period of dawning of our skills and success in the game.

        Shindou Hikaru and Fujiwara no Sai play Go.

There will be no scandals, intrigue or investigations at this tournament. We want calm, peace and goodness, although it never happens like this anywhere.

And now about pleasant things, about prizes! First of all, each participant of this unofficial tournament will receive an unofficial prize - a Chinese Go book in electronic form. The link to the book will be posted in the tournament chat for a few days after the tournament starts. Since the chat room is periodically cleared of messages, the link will be removed after some time. If you haven't had a chance to download the book, post in the tournament chat and I'll post the link again.

Second, has generously sponsored prizes for participants of the unofficial tournaments that I host.These prizes come in the form of coupons, which can be used towards the purchase of GoMagic courses and memberships. In each group of our the third round, participants ranking 1st and 2nd will be awarded these valuable prizes.As the host, I will personally deliver the coupons to the winners via private message on OGS

Something about the regulations. Please note that each move adds 1 day to the time, but no more than 3 days. Time is suspended for the weekend. This means that you have to make one move per day.

    Grandpa Frog.

Flag Counter

P.S. James Bond will return in the movie "From Russia with love"~~

Tournaments Go Magic will continue in November with the "- The Great October Socialist Revolution" tournament.

GroupGo Magic
Tournament DirectorGrandPa Frog[5k]
Tournament TypeSimultaneous McMahon
McMahon Bars20k - 10k
Players0 (was 4-120)
Initial Pairing MethodSlide
Subsequent Pairing MethodSlaughter
Number of Rounds3
Minimum Group Size3
Board Size19x19
Rank Restriction25 Kyu and above
Not allowed
February 12, 2025
[21:31]Malakia: Hi, I don't understand how this works, somehow I'm not in the third round, why? In the first round I get "disqualified" after my name, why? But I'm still there in the second round, again
[21:31]Malakia: with the "disqualified" tag.. But 'm not in the third round while having more points then many others in that round.
February 27, 2025
[13:57]Celebrir: Malakia, you lost by time which normally disqualifies you from a tournament
[13:58]Celebrir: You were not disqualified in round 1 but it shows the tag now in all rounds you were involved
[22:18]Malakia: Hi Celebrir, thank you for your answer. I'm pretty sure though that I always played in time. So many are disqualified, seems like somethings wrong. But not that I am angry about it or so, I was/am still curious why this happened.
[22:20]Celebrir: Malakia, you lost game 63733649 on time
[22:20]Celebrir: So it seems correct ;)
February 28, 2025
[ 8:18]Malakia: Oh, thanks! Somehow overlooked that.
[13:38]Celebrir: You're welcome:)