13x13 New Zealand 25k-10k League #5

7/16/2024 - 9/5/2024

Clock: Fischer: Clock starts with 3 days and increments by 1 day per move up to a maximum of 1 week.

25k-10k. 5 players. Starts only when full.

New Zealand rules. 13x13 board. Even games. Round robin.

For more tournaments and ladders with New Zealand rules: https://online-go.com/group/14024

GroupNew Zealand Ladders
Tournament Directordexonsmith[9k]
Tournament TypeRound Robin
Players5 (was 5)
RulesNew Zealand
Board Size13x13
Rank Restriction25 Kyu - 10 Kyu
Not allowed

Final results:

First placeProfile picturekashiwamochi[9k]
Second placeProfile picturesmallboard[11k]
Third placeProfile picturess76[19k]