Го Гунфу #1

3/13/2018 - 8/4/2019

Clock: Fischer: Clock starts with 3 days and increments by 1 day per move up to a maximum of 1 week.

Всем привет

GroupГо Гунфу
Tournament Directorecore[7k]
Tournament TypeMcMahon
McMahon Bars20k - 10k
Players8 (was 10-100)
Initial Pairing MethodSlide
Subsequent Pairing MethodSlaughter
Number of Rounds3
Board Size19x19
Rank Restriction25 Kyu and above
Not allowed

Final results:

First placeProfile picturebakekoq[5k]
Second placeProfile pictureAftiz[7k]
Third placeProfile pictureriou[7k]
This tournament is part of a group that hides group activity and details, as such you must be a member of the group to see the tournament results.