1st Continental Go World Cup-Qualification Phase for Europa: Category 9-5k: Pberthold vs Aftiz vs Slateshell

4/8/2019 - 6/3/2019

Clock: Fischer: Clock starts with 2 days and increments by 12 hours per move up to a maximum of 2 days. Pauses on weekends.

The semi-final tournament opposing Pberthold, Aftiz and Slateshell. The winner will be qualified for the final phase and represent the European Continent. Best of luck!!

GroupContinental and World Go Cups Group
Tournament DirectorMitsunari[4k]
ExclusivityInvite only
Tournament TypeRound Robin
Players3 (was 3)
Board Size19x19
Rank Restriction25 Kyu and above
Not allowed

Final results:

First placeProfile pictureSlate-Shell[1k]
Second placeProfile pictureAftiz[7k]
Third placeProfile picturepberthold[2k]
RankPlayerProfile pictureSlate-Shell[1k]Profile pictureAftiz[7k]Profile picturepberthold[2k]PointsΣ Opponent ScoresΣ Defeated Scores
1Profile pictureSlate-Shell[1k]winwin211
2Profile pictureAftiz[7k]losswin120
3Profile picturepberthold[2k]lossloss030