Very Fast Correspondence 9x9

11/5/2020 - 11/13/2020

Clock: Fischer: Clock starts with 1 day and increments by 5 hours per move up to a maximum of 2 days.

This is a very fast 9x9 correspondence tournament, you need to play around 4 times a day not to time out.

Please, do not delay your games using the vacation or the pause feature. If you do you will be disqualified!

have fun … cheers

GroupFast Correspondence
Tournament Directormazuja[1k]
Tournament TypeRound Robin
Players7 (was 4-10)
Board Size9x9
Rank Restriction9 Kyu and above
Not allowed

Final results:

First placeProfile picturemazuja[1k]
Second placeProfile picturejoachim[2k]
Third placeProfile picture_kyal_[4d]