Rules: Chinese
Review by: ...
Review controller: ...
: Control passed to ...
Move 0 + 49
goking1[1d]: Variation: 1
goking1[1d]: Variation: 2
Move 0 + 69
gamesorry[3d]: Variation: 3
Move 0 + 86
gamesorry[3d]: Variation: Aiming for A/B
: Control passed to ...
Move 0 + 97
journeyk[1d]: whats the bet?
gamesorry[3d]: Did white play L17 or J17 first?
gamesorry[3d]: I missed that
Move 0 + 106
adrianvc[2k]: J17
Move 0 + 106
gamesorry[3d]: thanks
journeyk[1d]: whos leading from all the pro here perspective?
gamesorry[3d]: Chang Hao: Black needs to do sth about this white's group
Move 0 + 107
journeyk[1d]: that is obvious
pagia[3d]: if dragon of white live,black is lose
journeyk[1d]: but thinks looking great for kejie in my perspective
pagia[3d]: this is the last fight
Move 0 + 109
Fumbar[13k]: for what it is worth, Leela has black at 35% chance to win
Move 0 + 110
pagia[3d]: leela often make mistake in complex fight
Fumbar[13k]: true, that is why i qualified my statement
pagia[3d]: the win rate leela given by leela isn't very precise in fighting
gamesorry[3d]: AlphaGo played H13 very quickly, while Chang Hao thinks human player needs to think for a long time here
journeyk[1d]: who do you think gonna win gamesorry?
gamesorry[3d]: Although I wish Ke Jie wins, but probably AlphaGo has a better chance
Move 0 + 112
pagia[3d]: seems white is live :/
Move 0 + 114
gamesorry[3d]: h14 is not sente now
gamesorry[3d]: Right, w is alive
journeyk[1d]: so whats the hope for kejie XD?
Fumbar[13k]: 404 hope not found
Move 0 + 115
journeyk[1d]: a miraculous invasion ?
Move 0 + 116
gamesorry[3d]: He might need to fight for the komi
Move 0 + 118
pianoman[8k]: Anyone know if there is a stream with Michael Redmond doing commentary?
louisflakes[2d]: redmond commentary^
ZPCanGo[17k]: the deepmind stream has michael redmond
pianoman[8k]: Thank you very much
Move 0 + 119
journeyk[1d]: i think game is even actually
journeyk[1d]: there
Move 0 + 122
pagia[3d]: oh,M14,seems black is crashed
journeyk[1d]: its offer for trade I think
journeyk[1d]: black reduce G7 area and white cut
Move 0 + 124
pagia[3d]: G7 is very big,but G9 G7 isn't sente
pagia[3d]: L12 is being attack
journeyk[1d]: yes
journeyk[1d]: its not sente
journeyk[1d]: so probably black will play a few more move before finally go to G7 ?
journeyk[1d]: but you can tell that game is not as pessimistic as we originally thought
Move 0 + 126
journeyk[1d]: see?
journeyk[1d]: ^^
Fumbar[13k]: yeah it has remained an interestin game
Fumbar[13k]: even redmond said he was worried early on it was going to settle very quickly
Move 0 + 127
journeyk[1d]: now its even agin i think
journeyk[1d]: black slightly leading
Move 0 + 128
journeyk[1d]: i guess
pagia[3d]: I think black is still lag,cuz C12 group have aji at yose
Move 0 + 129
journeyk[1d]: black eventually has to capture
journeyk[1d]: there
Move 0 + 130
journeyk[1d]: i think alpha go losing atm
Move 0 + 143
journeyk[1d]: Variation: 4
Move 0 + 132
Fuseques[4d]: if ke jie wins..
Move 0 + 133
Fuseques[4d]: that would be something
journeyk[1d]: i think kejie would win
clywzach[5k]: what odds would you give him?
journeyk[1d]: white is lag behind in territory
Fuseques[4d]: i haven't counted
Fuseques[4d]: but the flow of the game seems to be going in blacks favor
pagia[3d]: W plays at N13 will press the moyo of black
Move 0 + 134
Fuseques[4d]: that being said.. w seems to have alot of territory..
Fuseques[4d]: mabye i should count
journeyk[1d]: yes
journeyk[1d]: you could
journeyk[1d]: they seems to do my variation in different order XD
Move 0 + 135
gamesorry[3d]: If white cuts at o5, then q6 becomes sente
Move 0 + 137
pagia[3d]: seems they plays at N13 O14 alreay
pagia[3d]: is this demo wrong?
gamesorry[3d]: oops, sorry
journeyk[1d]: a bit
journeyk[1d]: yes
journeyk[1d]: N13 ant O15 trade off
Fuseques[4d]: w seems to be ahead by a few points to me
Fuseques[4d]: very complicated endgame though
gamesorry[3d]: Do you know when white played n13?
cdefghij[2k]: before M5
Move 0 + 131
ParanormalPancak[13k]: wait is this happening now? AND NO ONE TOLD ME
Move 0 + 133
pagia[3d]: MOVE 134 N13 then o14
Move 0 + 135
froggystyle[16k]: Is there live commentary?
Move 0 + 139
froggystyle[16k]: In English?
Shain[7k]: there is a link in chat
Move 0 + 142
gamesorry[3d]: thanks
ParanormalPancak[13k]: [0:07] ihavenoideawhatimdoing13: https://www.twitch.tv/timeof1 [0:07] louisflakes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z-HL5nppBnM
froggystyle[16k]: Tyvm
Move 0 + 137
LPYoshi[5k]: is black winning??
Move 0 + 146
pagia[3d]: my count is often wrong,LOL. So my yose is weak
Move 0 + 137
LPYoshi[5k]: or is black lower left dead now?
Move 0 + 146
froggystyle[16k]: Is match 1 of a series ?
Move 0 + 97
blackgnezdo[21k]: This is the first match.
Move 0 + 146
gamesorry[3d]: black is alive
froggystyle[16k]: Of how many if you don't mind me asking
gamesorry[3d]: 1/3
Move 0 + 137
LPYoshi[5k]: im counting black has ~50, and white has ~36?
Move 0 + 146
pagia[3d]: ok,the aji of D12 is finish ,can count it more precise
froggystyle[16k]: Thanks again
gamesorry[3d]: w has >45
Move 0 + 137
LPYoshi[5k]: ahh..
Move 0 + 146
Thrawn[13k]: Mike Redmond thinks white has about 55.
Move 0 + 148
gamesorry[3d]: Yeah w has potential in the center
Solace[17k]: It's annoying me how the commentators are still missing the F16 G16 exchange
Move 0 + 141
xhu98[5d]: OMG
xhu98[5d]: Every time the commentators play out a variation, the camera moves away
xhu98[5d]: Like wtf
Move 0 + 150
nadoss[2k]: xhu98: I just got home from hockey still have to shower the game started late
Move 0 + 141
xhu98[5d]: I could have streamed better than that
xhu98[5d]: Honestly, deepmind
Move 0 + 150
Fuseques[4d]: they should have built a neural network that streams
Move 0 + 141
xhu98[5d]: +1
Move 0 + 150
Fuseques[4d]: trained on your youtube data
Move 0 + 141
xhu98[5d]: Fuseques: Oh no, they'll learn all the smacktalk
Move 0 + 150
Solace[17k]: then train a corresponding neural network comment generator?
Shouldsee[15k]: :Solace: That sounds more realistic
Shain[7k]: just train a network that can analyse games in depth and sell it
Move 0 + 141
xhu98[5d]: nadoss: I PM'ed you
Move 0 + 150
Fuseques[4d]: hmm i should be working..
Move 0 + 151
Fuseques[4d]: i am trying to make a lego robot play the 9th symphony of beethoven
Move 0 + 152
Fuseques[4d]: but it won't play them chords
Move 0 + 153
pagia[3d]: two stone of black in center will live,but w can make his moyo became territory by attack two stone of B
pagia[3d]: it's easy to read that W is winning a lot
Move 0 + 154
journeyk[1d]: komi win i think
pagia[3d]: yes,7.5 for pro is an huge point
Solace[17k]: do you reckon it'll be that close?
Move 0 + 155
sirius[9k]: is top white group still killable?
Solace[17k]: not after the next exchange i don't think
pagia[3d]: no,W kill two stone of B, it is sure live
pagia[3d]: K16 stone of B is killed
Move 0 + 161
Shouldsee[15k]: why the relay is keeping forking?
pagia[3d]: click the sync button
Move 0 + 162
gamesorry[3d]: I missed a few moves in the middle
Solace[17k]: there's a sync button?
Move 0 + 163
Shouldsee[15k]: @pagia: where is that button exactly?
: Control passed to ...
Move 0 + 169
pagia[3d]: when you are seeing the forking doesn't belongs the actual game,there is a sync button near the "pass" button
Shouldsee[15k]: Oh gotcha. Many thanks!
Move 0 + 170
Solace[17k]: ah, so it doesn't show up if you're already synced?
pagia[3d]: yes
Move 0 + 173
bynum[5d]: oh nice ogs is relaying it
Move 0 + 174
journeyk[1d]: i think its sad how kejie is behind now
nadoss[2k]: I missed the beginning so I really want to go back and watch it but i know it'll drag everyone in the review along with me haha
Solace[17k]: it starts with KJ opening 2nd move with 3,3 then 4th move invading with a 3,3. So it was an interesting start
Move 0 + 175
nadoss[2k]: cool
Move 0 + 177
FGD5000[14k]: Nadoss can't you just open an incognito tab or use another browser on the side?
FGD5000[14k]: Something you're not logged in with
Move 0 + 178
Solace[17k]: might distract him from relaying =P
Move 0 + 180
Solace[17k]: what's the komi for white? 7.5?
pagia[3d]: AlphaGo still like make slow play and overplay when his is ahead.
Move 0 + 184
pagia[3d]: yes,the komi is 7.5
nadoss[2k]: yeah FGD5000 it'd be too much, I'm still sapped from hockey, just got home not a half hour ago
Solace[17k]: That hanae that they mentioned W F8 looks really good
Move 0 + 185
pagia[3d]: but after S5, white is gote, I'm afraid W can't take that point
Move 0 + 188
journeyk[1d]: komi loss by kejie?
journeyk[1d]: XD
Solace[17k]: gotta say, that's still impressive against the new AG
Move 0 + 190
nadoss[2k]: the dude in the stream is doing a bit in chinese and I want to know what it was because it seems like his partner enjoyed it
Move 0 + 191
Shain[7k]: Solace: who knows, maybe AG is just that strong to force games to this result
gemm[7k]: Is the game finished?
Solace[17k]: not yet, still in endgame
Move 0 + 192
Solace[17k]: but looks like AG + komi or something
Move 0 + 193
gemm[7k]: fight at top was very impressive
Move 0 + 197
9*9 Professional[4d]: when you see alphago playing safe move u know she is winning
Move 0 + 200
pagia[3d]: C18= good game,next match LOL
nadoss[2k]: "Silly human"
Move 0 + 201
Solace[17k]: "Oh, are we still playing?"
Move 0 + 206
pagia[3d]: AG is attempt to win by 0.5 point,XD
Move 0 + 207
Fumbar[13k]: wants us to keep making it stronger
Move 0 + 213
journeyk[1d]: you are very pessimistic fumbar lol
Move 0 + 207
Solace[17k]: R18 is interesting, I must remember that one
Move 0 + 213
journeyk[1d]: its more about reading lol
Move 0 + 210
pagia[3d]: r18 make T16 for W is no longer sente
Move 0 + 211
Fumbar[13k]: uhh wants to be stronger so that it can teach us more!!!
pagia[3d]: *T17
Solace[17k]: yea, I just didn't consider how it affects the hane at T18
Solace[17k]: *T17
Fumbar[13k]: thanks for the explanation pa
Move 0 + 213
游智承[3d]: dead
Move 0 + 211
pagia[3d]: Variation: B is gote
Move 0 + 210
pagia[3d]: Variation: W is gote
pagia[3d]: basic yose method at corner
Move 0 + 219
游智承[3d]: black now win abit
Move 0 + 223
游智承[3d]: but as white has yose alphago win actually
Move 0 + 225
Jeanno[2d]: komi
Jeanno[2d]: not yose
游智承[3d]: sorry my english is not pretty well
Move 0 + 227
Solace[17k]: no problem ^_^
gemm[7k]: I count like 77 b and 81,5 white
Move 0 + 229
游智承[3d]: go is easy to improve yourself just keep having competition in reallife
游智承[3d]: i mean im not a pro player
Shain[7k]: i do hope they keep AG alive and playing.
Shouldsee[15k]: The relay is lagging
Solace[17k]: regardless, they've released the paper on how they developed it, I'm sure it won't be long till people make their own version
Shain[7k]: and maybe play a correspondence team match agaist AG
pagia[3d]: seems AG is really win by 0.5 point LOL
游智承[3d]: yep
游智承[3d]: close game
Move 0 + 237
Solace[17k]: what was the point of H2?
Move 0 + 239
pagia[3d]: just AG think he's sure win,make a lot of slow move,and win 0.5 point at the end
Move 0 + 247
nadoss[2k]: I really hope I didn't miss anything
GoAinue[16k]: at what point did alphago start giving up points
Move 0 + 250
Jeanno[2d]: it's hard to say. but #250 is better at A4
Jeanno[2d]: 1 point vs 2 points
Move 0 + 255
Fumbar[13k]: Solace: they did not release all the information
Shouldsee[15k]: You meant Move 250?
Fumbar[13k]: you coudln't make an exact copy at this point
Jeanno[2d]: yes, move 250
Move 0 + 250
Jeanno[2d]: or maybe T4
Move 0 + 257
Shain[7k]: they did release the paper on the old AG
Move 0 + 250
Jeanno[2d]: T4 is bigger
Move 0 + 258
Shain[7k]: and getting the computing power of google might be a challange in itself
Move 0 + 250
Shouldsee[15k]: On Nature I remember, a mixture of supervised learning, MCTS and reinforcement learning.
Move 0 + 259
gamesorry[3d]: D6 might be worth 1+ points
Move 0 + 250
Jeanno[2d]: D6 is literally 1+0.5+0.25
Shouldsee[15k]: But I heard this new version of AG now uses RL only,.
Jeanno[2d]: so maybe 1.75 pt
Jeanno[2d]: yes gamesorry is right
Move 0 + 263
Solace[17k]: that's interesting, because in the original paper the SL actually outperformed RL because it favoured a broader range of moves which increased the prediction
Move 0 + 265
Solace[17k]: hopefully they elaborate on the new system soon
Shouldsee[15k]: Yeah someone needs to confirm the algorithm.
tommy.dew1[10k]: what are sl and rl
Shouldsee[15k]: SL: supervised learning
Fuseques[4d]: wonder if using a recurrent network for go can make sense
Shouldsee[15k]: RL: reinforcement learning
Move 0 + 267
Fuseques[4d]: while go positions are techniacally timeless, the flow of the game surely helps humans make sense of it
Fumbar[13k]: unless you heard that from a deepmin dsource i wouldn't believe it
Shain[7k]: well they had the benefit of checking progress against the old AG. if they needed to, dont know if they measured them against each other
Fumbar[13k]: i'm sure they'll talk about it tomorrow at the confrence
Shouldsee[15k]: Fumbar: Good point
กู่ลี่เมืองไทย[7k]: Kejie want to fight with KO, right?
Move 0 + 250
Jeanno[2d]: i don't think a recurrent network helps
Move 0 + 269
gemm[7k]: does he still have a chance?
Move 0 + 250
Jeanno[2d]: no chance
Jeanno[2d]: AG is playing whatever it wants
Move 0 + 278
pagia[3d]: seems W+1.5
Move 0 + 282
Shouldsee[15k]: Can't see any potential KO at all
Move 0 + 283
gemm[7k]: +0.5 now
Move 0 + 285
kitten_reborn[6k]: white intentionally went for a half point win? AI is already condescending
Move 0 + 287
Jeanno[2d]: no, it doesn't matter to alphago
BazzarKim[17k]: keji the master
Shouldsee[15k]: I think it is a by-product of how they coded alphago
Jeanno[2d]: a win is a win
BazzarKim[17k]: Park Junghwan the god
Move 0 + 288
pagia[3d]: when several move for AI is 100% win,I think it will play random move.
Move 0 + 289
Shain[7k]: i do not think it is intentionally going for half point wins as much as it doesnt care about the lead and just wants to improve the winning chance
kitten_reborn[6k]: so you say, but my skynet senses tingle when I watch AG play
nadoss[2k]: chinese scoring confuses me so much
nadoss[2k]: it's just like "let's take everything off this board before scoring"
Shouldsee[15k]: Since +0.5 vs +1.0 makes no difference for AG, he will just try to ensure the +.
kitten_reborn[6k]: it's hard to adjust to if you're used to playing japanese, it's true. >.<
clywzach[5k]: wait its only .5 - 1 point game?
kitten_reborn[6k]: it's very close. the gap was wider before start of yose
nadoss[2k]: when did redmond stop giving commentary??
nadoss[2k]: a friend of mine tried to explain chinese scoring to me
nadoss[2k]: unfortunately it was explained partly in chinese
Fumbar[13k]: what kind of couting is this??
kitten_reborn[6k]: is it as complex as all that? just fill in the dame and count stones on the board as points, right?
pagia[3d]: maybe 1/4 stone win by white in Chinese rule
Shouldsee[15k]: Alphago win 1/4 by chinese rule
Fumbar[13k]: you can rearrange less complex than that jeez
kitten_reborn[6k]: oh, quarter points are things in chinese scoring? maybe it is more complex than I thought. >.<
g2far[14k]: Hi, everybody. Group tax makes the difference, or does it ?
gamesorry[3d]: 1 stone = 2 points
kickaha[5k]: its just a halved half point :)
gamesorry[3d]: so 1/4 stone = 0.5 point
nadoss[2k]: oops sorry I accidentally reloaded the page and gave control back to you gamesorry
gamesorry[3d]: On my screen it still shows you're the controller :)
smog山人[11k]: there's group tax? Oo
kitten_reborn[6k]: ah, I think I get you now
winterspring[2k]: how many points did alphago win by?
Move 0
gamesorry[3d]: 0.5 point
Move 0 + 78
Mr.Voo[6k]: wow
Move 0 + 83
Mr.Voo[6k]: close as hell
Jeanno[2d]: 1/4 pt
Move 0 + 106
kickaha[5k]: myungwan said move 7 lost the game -.-
Move 0 + 99
Jeanno[2d]: doesn't matter really
Move 0 + 103
pagia[3d]: Japanese rule is W+1.5
Move 0 + 105
Mr.Voo[6k]: but i had the feeling that alphago didn't play a perfect endgame.
Move 0 + 123
pagia[3d]: 0.5 or 1.5 = 1/4 stone
Move 0 + 7
The Fat Controller[13k]: alphago will choose randomly betweem options that offer 100percent chance of victory
Move 0 + 197
Mr.Voo[6k]: i suppose so too
Move 0 + 289
Mr.Voo[6k]: i think white could save the stones at D11. This is what Redmond said.
Mr.Voo[6k]: he could connect from beneath
Mr.Voo[6k]: but maybe he already knew he's winning by 0.5 point xD
nadoss[2k]: so I'm going to go now
nadoss[2k]: I was dozing off a bit during endgame
zike10[21k]: Was it really only .5?
zike10[21k]: The commentators were saying it was more.
Move 0
Fumbar[13k]: yes
Fumbar[13k]: but you have to remember AG counts extremely well and played a few 1 pooint moves when 2 point moves were available
Fumbar[13k]: near the very end
Move 0 + 289
Shouldsee[15k]: looks there's a conference coming up
Move 0
Fumbar[13k]: yep
Fumbar[13k]: and technical confrence tomorrow night
Move 0 + 289
Shouldsee[15k]: gotcha
Shouldsee[15k]: you meant GMT+0?
Oni[8k]: 5:30 gmt +3
Shouldsee[15k]: thx
pantepk[7k]: Variation: 5
游智承[3d]: Variation: 1
Move 0
Sollies[14k]: Variation: 6
Move 0 + 289
Cold❄寒含[3k]: hey
Cold❄寒含[3k]: who won the game
bynum[5d]: w
Cold❄寒含[3k]: arh, should be
bynum[5d]: not a big margin though. 1/4 stones in chinese rules
Cold❄寒含[3k]: human never beats AG
Cold❄寒含[3k]: after Lee Sedol
τετρακόρυμβος[7k]: score
pokemonsta433[15k]: alphago has 59.5 if I counted well
pokemonsta433[15k]: nope I didn't. got 71 for ke jie
Move 0 + 12
Minions[17k]: so is there a way kee would have won?
Minions[17k]: asking as a beginner
Move 0 + 51
Tokumoto[5k]: Ten thinks F12 at move 51 was a mistake. it's way over my head
Move 0 + 31
Minions[17k]: for kee?
Move 0 + 51
Tokumoto[5k]: yes
Move 0 + 97
Minions[17k]: it is strange I read that people sya alpha go got middle
Minions[17k]: but it looks like at move 97 kee got quite nice middle stuff
Move 0 + 289
gnggo[16k]: who won?
safetyfirsthehe[17k]: alphago by 0.5p
Move 0 + 235
τετρακόρυμβος[7k]: Variation: 7
Move 0 + 232
gemm[7k]: Variation: 8
gemm[7k]: tetra, white just descend at j1 like this
Move 0 + 236
τετρακόρυμβος[7k]: Variation: 9
τετρακόρυμβος[7k]: oh :O i see
Move 0 + 289
alexx[10k]: If the middle is everything outside of the starpoints, w won because she had 3 points in the middle and b had 7 (points in the middle being less efficient than the corners and sides)
alexx[10k]: I wonder if there is a pro game with fewer points in the middle than this game.
alexx[10k]: 0,0,0,0,3,7
the_virus[25k]: why cant you estimate the score in a review?
Shinkenjoe[4k]: i count blackleading 3 points, i dont believe my count though
KYU2[15k] sprints into "room"
KYU2[15k]: Did I miss it?
KYU2[15k]: COME ON!
KYU2[15k]: oh well
Move 0 + 107
belitse[25k]: @KYU2 you made me laugh in a library
Move 0 + 289
demosha[14k]: There is a lesson to learn from this game
demosha[14k]: It looks like the stones can not be placed in the little frames
demosha[14k]: This is what I learned
demosha[14k]: Thank you
pokemonsta433[15k]: wait what sorry?
pokemonsta433[15k]: you mean for counting at the end?
pokemonsta433[15k]: the_virus it's just not something that's been added to OGS. That's probably because ogs is a really young server
Move 0 + 137
keeperboy000[18k]: is this a live review?
Move 0 + 289
Professor X[13k]: I missed the game?
Professor X[13k]: I thought it was at two UTC
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