Rules: Japanese
Black wins by Resignation
Move 51
jmdingess[4d]: W is dead in top right
Move 52
jmdingess[4d]: and B is alive
Move 53
jmdingess[4d]: with one eye at D7 and one in bottom right corner
Move 54
jmdingess[4d]: hence theyre playing endgame
Move 55
Fuseques[8d]: thanks
demosha[7k]: I got that, I was looking at the moves 41-43 I thought there was something important with them since that's when they called
sunshine_NO1[6d]: ty
jmdingess[4d]: ahh
demosha[7k]: well 41 was important but other than that
jmdingess[4d]: well move 35 is a move that only pops up in hard (~2-3d) tsumegos
Fuseques[8d]: Variation: this makes life haha
Fuseques[8d]: now i will show you something crazier
Fuseques[8d]: you know what happens if i try to kill now?
Fuseques[8d]: Variation: can't kill
demosha[7k]: you mean if white plays J8?
Andre🍃[1k]: Wiw
Andre🍃[1k]: Niiiiicw
Fuseques[8d]: when i try to kill before i have c7*
demosha[7k]: that's bonkers
demosha[7k]: I don't know if I'm using that word correctly, wait
demosha[7k]: that's crazy
Andre🍃[1k]: Congrats fuseques
demosha[7k]: Awesome play
Fuseques[8d]: Variation: this can get interesting
Fuseques[8d]: Variation: how to kill white now?
demosha[7k]: ooo! oo! I know!
demosha[7k]: Resign
Fuseques[8d]: Variation: another bend4 lol
herbie[4k]: Fuseques is eeeeviiiilll
herbie[4k]: xD
herbie[4k]: But wow, I'd never have seen that coming
demosha[7k]: that's some tsumego
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