Rules: Japanese
Black to move
Wuyaya[10k]: any idea where I went wrong last game?
Move 1
Dirt Woman[7k]: Hmm I think you probably let me off a little too easy in a couple places
Dirt Woman[7k]: Especially on the bottom since I really wasnt secured / alive there
Dirt Woman[7k]: So you attacking me and forcing me to live would have avoided a lot of the endgame stuff
Dirt Woman[7k]: and it ended up netting me like 10 maybe 15 points there
Wuyaya[10k]: mm mabye i'll see
Wuyaya[10k]: It is?
Dirt Woman[7k]: mhmmm lol
Wuyaya[10k]: Oops
Wuyaya[10k]: Sorry!
Dirt Woman[7k]: lol no worries
Wuyaya[10k]: I must’ve forgotten to uncheck it
Wuyaya[10k]: Disable analysis is also on
Wuyaya[10k]: Now u can start trying and beat me up :)
Dirt Woman[7k]: lol idk about all that
Wuyaya[10k]: ;)
Wuyaya[10k]: I feel like I’m better but when I count it seems like ur ahead
Move 64
Dirt Woman[7k]: I think I probably prefer blacks position
Dirt Woman[7k]: And yet Im probably head on confirmed territory but I dont have as much potential
Wuyaya[10k]: How do I accept
Move 73
Wuyaya[10k]: Ah got it- it was glitched and I could only pass
Move 74
Dirt Woman[7k]: lol ty
Dirt Woman[7k]: I honestly cant tell
Move 86
Wuyaya[10k]: well, i was hoping for a more clearner kill
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