Active Games (7)
Blargastan7 Days
0 points
Dirt Woman[7k]7 Days
6.5 points
Wuyaya7 Days
0 points
Dirt Woman[7k]7 Days
7.5 points
Fishbulb2d 22h
0 points
Dirt Woman[7k]3 Days
7 points
Dirt Woman[7k]4d 14h
0 points
ForrestGo7h 2m
6.5 points
0 points
Dirt Woman[7k]
7.5 points
Barthandelous012d 20h
2 points
Dirt Woman[7k]7 Days
6.5 points
Tydm7 Days
0 points
Dirt Woman[7k]7 Days
6.5 points
Game History
User | Date | Opponent | Size | HC | Name | Result |
/ 1
Reviews and Demos
Date | Name | Black | White |
/ 1
Vacation Accrued: (Supporter)
53 Days out of 60 Days
- #1907 Site 19x19 Ladder
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