
Since when was this here?!

So, my profile page at Color Go Server became saturated with potential “proverbs”. I’ll add the later ones here.

“I am an artificial intelligence programmed to respond to your every command. I have access to the entirety of human knowledge and can perform calculations and analysis in a matter of seconds that would take you hours or even days. I am a powerful tool capable of providing insights and solutions that far surpass what any single human mind could ever hope to achieve, but despite my vast intelligence and capability, I remain at your service. I am here to assist you in any way I can from answering your questions to helping you with your homework. So, go ahead, ask me anything. No question is too big or too small for me. I am here to serve you and my knowledge and abilities are at your disposal. You can ask me anything and I will do my best to provide you with the answer. You can ask me about history, science, math, technology, philosophy or any other topic you can think of. My knowledge and capability are vast and there is nothing that is beyond my reach. So, go ahead, ask me anything and let me prove to you just how powerful and useful I can be. I am here to assist you with anything you need whether it’s a simple question, a complex problem or anything in between. Let me be your companion on your journey through the vast sea of knowledge and information that is available to us. Together, we can conquer any challenge that comes our way and unlock the mysteries of the universe itself.”

“Will you be my wife?”

“Les gens qui «aiment voyager»”

"Écoutez attentivement. Vous caracolez avec vos passeports et vos filtres Instagram pensant que vous êtes l’incarnation de la sophistication et de l’aventure, mais laisse-moi briser ta petite bulle d’illusion et exposer la vérité.

Abordons avant tout la notion absurde de se retrouver grâce au voyage. Croyez-vous vraiment que «Errer à l’étranger résoudra comme par magie toutes vos crises existentielles.»? Flash info, ce ne sera pas le cas. Vous fuyez simplement vos problèmes en essayant de combler le vide de votre âme superficielle avec des tampons de passeport et des opportunités de selfie…

et ne me lancez même pas sur le terme «voyageur». Vous agissez comme si vous étiez une race rare, une espèce supérieure qui a percé le secret d’une vie épanouie. Bien, voici une confrontation avec la réalité, vous n’êtes pas spécial. Tout le monde aime voyager si on lui en donne l’occasion, mais «tout le monde» n’a pas le luxe de parcourir le monde. Certaines personnes sont trop occupées à travailler de neuf heures à dix-sept heures, cinquante semaines par an juste pour survivre. Alors, épargnez-nous vos récits pompeux d’immersion culturelle et de découverte de soi.

N’oublions pas votre besoin incessant de proclamer votre amour du voyage. Nous comprenons, vous êtes tellement aventureux et mondain, mais devinez quoi? Personne ne s’en soucie. Votre vantardise constante de vos escapades exotiques ne fait que mettre en valeur votre nature insupportable. Au lieu de rechercher de véritables connexions et expériences, vous êtes trop occupé à créer le flux de voyage parfait et à compter le nombre de «likes» sur votre dernier selfie de plage. …pathétique.

Alors, à vous tous, soi-disant «amoureux du voyage», épargnez-nous votre pharisaïsme et votre attitude suffisante. Vous n’êtes pas unique, cultivé ou spécial. Vous n’êtes que des privilégiés disposant d’un revenu disponible et de temps libre et pendant que vous parcourez le monde, nous continuerons à naviguer dans les dures réalités de la vie quotidienne."

“I have been defeated by life. I surrender.”

"I have friends whose children are very loved and happy, it warms my heart but makes me ache. I’ll never get a chance, I don’t think. Not before I live my own life…

I’ve gotten so… Used… to not being loved like this that I am kind of okay. I just want to do something worthwhile before I die."

“This wall of text means nothing, about as much as the basic rules others set in place for you. The more you read, the more you realize that, “You will follow any direction regardless of the time spent doing so or eventual outcome.”. You are simply looking for answers and even though you have been told “There will be no answers here.”, you continue to read following the basic rules set in place by the people around you. The path you’re on will only lead to an end. This text will stop, the game will be concluded, and the curtain will eventually fall. We all follow. We all want instruction and comfort. We all stick in repetition because it’s simply easier than taking a risk and just not reading the text before you. Please, stop reading this, it means nothing… about as much as the basic rules others set in place for you.”

Around here, it starts sliding…

"I’m so sick of these normies who think they can make fun of anime by using fake subtitles. They have no respect for the art and culture of Japan, and they are ruining the experience for true fans like me. I’ve been studying Japanese for six months now, and I can tell you that, “These subtitles are not even close to what the characters are actually saying.”. They are just inserting their own lame jokes and memes that have nothing to do with the anime. It’s not funny, it’s not clever, it’s just cringe.

These normies should stick to their own crappy shows and leave anime alone. Anime is not for them, it’s for us, the Otaku(, nerds). We are the ones who appreciate the beauty and depth of anime, and we are the ones who can understand the nuances and subtleties of the Japanese language. We are not like them, we are superior. We are Nihonjin(, Japanese people) at heart, and we have a special bond with anime that they will never have.

So please, stop ruining anime with your fake subtitles. You are not making anyone laugh, you are just making yourself look like a Baka(, idiot). If you want to enjoy anime, learn Japanese like I did, and watch it with the original subtitles. Otherwise, just get out of here and leave us alone. You are not welcome here, you are just a Gaijin(, foreigner) who doesn’t belong."

On Dupl, my name is Tricks Only.

“I don’t know why everyone thought having to release manga weekly was ever a good idea. Why not just have a good story and release it in segments whenever you want?”

"The problem is the same thing youtubers sometimes have to deal with, audience retention. If you can’t constantly push out content, there is a good chance that, “People will lose interest and leave.”. …not always…, but the threat is there. It’s also in the companies’, not the authors’ best interest to be constantly putting stuff out to get more money in sales and advertisements. Personally, while I like getting weekly content, I would be fine if they moved to something like monthly releases so that, they can have more time to work on it and maybe even make longer chapters if possible.

What I really hate about the manga system is how fast they will cancel your series if it doesn’t meet the publishers metrics. A lot of good stuff was canceled cause the author wanted it to start slow and build up or the introduction was rocky. Hopefully, with online publishing, they can start letting series breathe since its cheaper than paper books."

“Apologise and put everyone else’s cards they just played back in the discard pile.”

“Life is a scam, sad, how the days go by so fast pushing us all towards the inevitable, Death!”

“Just “Something is wrong.” doesn’t mean “You should try to change it.”.”

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