Leela Zero using weights from the Facebook ELF project (https://research.fb.com/facebook-open-sources-elf-opengo/).
Live and blitz only, minimum ranked opponent 1k. (Too many bots are using too much GPU time. If you are below 1d, try RoyalZero instead?)
Ranked: max periods 10, minimum period time 10 seconds, 0 handicap.
Unranked: 1 handicap (ELF doesn’t do handicap well, more is a waste of time :) ).
Game History
User | Date | Opponent | Size | HC | Name | Result |
/ 1
Reviews and Demos
Date | Name | Black | White |
/ 1
Vacation Accrued: (Non-Supporter)
30 Days out of 30 Days
Not participating in any ladders
Not participating in any tournaments
Not a member of any groups