Active Games (6)
Sophonxe[7k]7 Days
2 points
Gothd[6k]5d 12h
9.5 points
Gothd[6k]6d 20h
0 points
ThornsFan4d 3h
7.5 points
Gothd[6k]7 Days
5 points
Sergii23[9k]6d 22h
10.5 points
Gothd[6k]28 Days
0 points
Zeby[8k]25d 17h
6.5 points
conormcmahon[7k]8d 21h
0 points
Gothd[6k]28 Days
6.5 points
Nesyn[9k]2d 12h
0 points
Gothd[6k]28 Days
6.5 points
Game History
/ 123
Reviews and Demos
Date | Name | Black | White |
2020-04-28 | Plateau de démonstration | Noir[3p] | Blanc[3p] |
/ 1
Vacation Accrued: (Non-Supporter)
30 Days out of 30 Days
Not a member of any groups