Beat the Kyu, Be a Dan 2024

12/31/2023, 4:02:06 PM

Clock: Fischer: Clock starts with 3 days and increments by 1 day per move up to a maximum of 1 week.

Have you been playing Go for years, grinding tsumego for countless hours, and still find yourself stuck at the kyu level? You are not alone!

Join us in this annual tournament since 2019 where players like you, struggling at the kyu ranks, come together.

This tournament is all about fast-paced correspondence. Players who try to pause games or taking a vacation will be disqualified.

No pause/Vacation

No sandbagging

No AI support

Tournament Directortrung5000[2k]
Tournament TypeSimultaneous McMahon
McMahon Bars25k - 1k
Players0 (was 100-10000)
Initial Pairing MethodStrength
Subsequent Pairing MethodStrength
Number of Rounds9
Minimum Group Size5
Board Size19x19
Not allowed
Rank Restriction25 Kyu - 2 Kyu
Not allowed
December 2, 2024
[16:15]azalea0o0: This tournament is all about fast-paced correspondence. Players who try to pause games or taking a vacation will be disqualified.
[19:35]Valgrind: The rules do say that, and we had such a discussion before. It's simply not reasonable to never go on vacation in a tournament that is supposed to take many years.
December 3, 2024
[ 0:16]cheezopath: yeah it's better to just not include it in the rules next time. I'm on vacation now (but still playing moves) because I accidentally let one of my games timeout, so I'm not in next round either way. Christmas coming up, but I don't want to drop a fun game and ruin it for my opponent
[11:32]masterps: @Cheezopath, you're playing against me, don't rush your moves over Christmas please 🤣
[16:41]cheezopath: hahaha no worries. I will make sure to keep ogs closed when I'm drinking
[21:19]masterps: For the sake of the AI review I think we both should limit our drunk moves 🤣
[21:48]cheezopath: ^v^v^v^v lol
December 19, 2024
[ 0:36]seri_martin: Hi! May be this is not the appropriate forum. I'm far far away to beating the Kyu hahaha. But I've been winning for a long times (18 games more or less on after the other) and I'm still in 25 k
[ 0:37]seri_martin: Is it possible that OGS is not classifying properly after last usability changes?
[ 0:46]MapleLeafNorth: From a quick look, all your wins are against 25k players, and you've lost to anyone higher. So 25k seems right until you win a game against a higher rank.
[ 0:51]seri_martin: But now is impossible to chose higher ranks. Although now I had a few more games (and lose LOL)
[ 0:56]MapleLeafNorth: Yes, sometimes it's hard to find a match for games. You can play against bots; also I've entered tournaments that were specifically for my level.
[ 0:56]MapleLeafNorth: There are several bots, designed to play at various levels. I think AmyBot is the beginner one.
[ 0:58]MapleLeafNorth: Hm. Not AmyBot. At any rate, you can play against a bot your level by Play -> select Computer opponent -> select the bot from the list.
[ 3:11]msaari: Fast-moving tournament for 10k-15k players: tournament 123257 – two spots left.
[21:37]EdBow: Anyone know how many matches left in this round?
[21:44]JigoSaku: I think it might be a smidge less than a bazzzillion. :) Somewhere around here (check the reddit) - there's a link to the site where you can see that number
[21:48]MapleLeafNorth: 3759 total matches, finished 3246, still in progress 513.
[21:54]e-max: "Beat the Kyu, Be a Dan 2025" - let's gooo
[22:39]sandalbucket: I feel like I have a decent shot at winning one of these purely through attrition
[23:33]cheezopath: that reminds me, I've gotta set aside some time to watch "The Seventh Seal"
December 21, 2024
[18:31]EdBow: Thank you!
[20:26]JigoSaku: I think the Be a Dan 2023 might still be running. Attrition is a good strategy :)
December 28, 2024
[15:25]KeBam07: When will the 2025 tournament be available? I would like to join
January 3, 2025
[17:06]Bolo: I keep getting email notice games which are not appearing on my home page (some of which I was actively playing before they disappeared) are timing out!
[17:22]HunterX57: Score charts say you were disqualified, most likely for being on vacation mode at some point which is the typical reason. It's probably that the unfinished matches were removed once the tournament dq'd you, but the clock kept running for the other player in those matches.
[19:32]Sipjin: My next tournament Speedy 2025 will start soon: Hope you will start the new year with me in: tournament-120937
[20:14]MapleLeafNorth: I will not start it, Sipjin . Your tournament doesn't allow me.
[20:59]Sipjin: For lower ranks I have a own tournament: tournament 123113
[23:52]MapleLeafNorth: Sweet! Thank you!
January 4, 2025
[ 7:06]Sipjin: You are welcome.
January 6, 2025
[15:53]MapleLeafNorth: 2025 starts. I see 4 [1d]s in the player list. Congratulations, this tournament saw them move to dans.
[18:32]Arrow A6 anti-: 👍
January 7, 2025
[ 8:20]LiuBang10: Congrats
January 22, 2025
[12:38]öööööööö: Bruyere in 103535) R:2 is on vacation.
[21:00]Bruyere: That's one way to do it. Nice move.
February 3, 2025
[ 7:12]Nox Cogito: Is this tournament still ongoing?
[ 7:24]msaari: Yes. It's on round 2; there are 9 rounds. This tournament will continue for many years.
[19:49]felipem: how many games are running now in r2?
February 4, 2025
[ 3:11]msaari: 3759 matches in total, 3611 already finished, so only 148 remaining.
[12:08]felipem: thanks
February 6, 2025
[ 9:21]msaari: New tournament for 10-15k players, with fast time controls: tournament 125084
February 8, 2025
[14:24]frandekai: here you see at the end the remainings matches...
February 15, 2025
[15:44]Petru Dumitriu: @Trung5000. This question is addressed to you as director of the tournament, if you still pay attention to this milliped. Other than testing players' patience and calm keeping power, what is the charm of such endless tournament? What is it supposed to bring to us? Thank you in advance.
[16:07]Sipjin: Hmm. I would say the question is: Why do I participate in such a long tournament, if I don't like the settings
[16:08]Sipjin: 😉
[16:10]Sipjin: If you like real fast paced tournaments look out join: group 13788
[16:11]Sipjin: Out = or
March 5, 2025
[19:13]Sipjin: Last call: 🦊 Just use your brain 2025 🦧🌞tournament 112827