Daily Go 9x9 Tournament

5/20/2021, 3:40:14 AM - 3:50:30 AM

Clock: Fischer: Clock starts with 3 minutes and increments by 10 seconds per move up to a maximum of 3 minutes 30 seconds.

Habrá un torneo diario, semanal, mensual, y anual de cada formato ( 9x9, 13x13, 19x19), un torneos escudo, maratones, torneos elite, y muchos más, buena suerte en sus torneos!

There will be a daily, weekly, monthly, and annual tournament of each format (9x9, 13x13, 19x19), a shield tournaments, marathons, elite tournaments, and many more, good luck in your tournaments!

GroupClub Venezolano de Go
Tournament DirectorJesusR02[12k]
Tournament TypeSwiss
Players4 (was 4-100)
Initial Pairing MethodSlide
Subsequent Pairing MethodSlaughter
Number of Rounds2
Board Size9x9
Rank Restriction19 Kyu and above
Not allowed

Final results:

Second placeProfile pictureHeli[13k]
Third placeProfile pictureKXD[11k]
RankPlayerOpponentResultPointsΣ Opponent ScoresΣ Defeated Scores
1Profile picturedeleted-1f7f79b...[23k]Profile pictureHeli[13k]win311
2Profile pictureHeli[13k]Profile picturedeleted-1f7f79b...[23k]loss120Disqualified