Nice to find OGS here.
Active Games (7)
StormPoseidon[14k]7 Days
0 points
Ein Reh3d 18h
8.5 points
nasago[18k]4d 4h
6 points
StormPoseidon[14k]2d 20h
5.5 points
kernel25d 19h
0 points
StormPoseidon[14k]28 Days
21.5 points
Tetraphenylbenzidin3d 8h
0 points
StormPoseidon[14k]7 Days
0.5 points
Зогар +3111d 23h
0 points
キラー +3328 Days
6.5 points
MarcShtef +2441h
0 points
weiqidgd +2728d 5h
7.5 points
32chang-wakaia +1128d 5h
0 points
srbdecidueye +1422d 23h
6.5 points
Game History
User | Date | Opponent | Size | HC | Name | Result |
/ 1
Reviews and Demos
Date | Name | Black | White |
/ 1
Vacation Accrued: (Non-Supporter)
30 Days out of 30 Days
Not participating in any ladders
Not a member of any groups